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School Community Council (SCC)


Click here to join the SCC Zoom Meeting
Meeting code is noted in the agenda.


A great way to get involved at Highland High is to participate in our School Community Council (SCC).

How to participate in SCC:Anyone in the community is welcome to attend SCC meetings, but we need voting members! To participate in SCC, please submit your name, position you are interested in (Chair, Vice Chair, 2-year Member, or 1-year Member), and a short bio (include your connection to Highland High) to by the end of the day Friday, September 13, 2024. Names and bios will be posted ​for community voting later this ​month. Our next SCC meeting is October 3rd at 4:00pm. 

Agenda and Minutes

 What is SCC?SCC stands for School Community Council. SCC is a forum for exchanging ideas about how to improve student achievement at Highland High. Members consist of the school administration, teachers, school staff, parents, students, and community members. Highland SCC members help set goals for the school, the programs, and the use of available resources to reach these goals.

“Recent research suggests that when done well, this collaborative process contributes to improved school culture and a strong professional community of educators. In addition, effective decision making supports improved classroom practice and student learning. These results indicate that democratic structures like School Community Councils are integral to school and student success.” [State Education Office]


What are the primary responsibilities of the SCC?

School community councils are responsible for preparing plans that are submitted to the school board for approval.  They also should assist, as needed, and provide support for the implementation of the approved plans.  School community council members are to represent the group that elected them to the school community council, as they make decisions and bring issues to the school community council for consideration.  They may form subcommittees or task forces to address an issue or project and bring it to the school community council for approval.  They are a good resource to school and district administrators in bringing issues of concern forward and in providing feedback, upon request.