SIC = School Improvement Council
The SIC consists of teachers, staff and admin that provides recommendations for school improvement. SIC provide additional insight, unique perspective, and vital assistance to educators and students in helping schools reach their achievement goals.
SCC = School Community Council
The SCC consists of parents, admins, and faculty working together to address the needs of students. Some of the councils’ activities are required by rule and law, but most are simply an expression of community-spirited individuals trying to do what they know must be done to help students succeed. Position Statement and Information - UEA (
School Community Councils hold elections annually to fill open seats. Councils (
SSC = Student Services Council
The SSC consists of administration, counselor(s) and teacher(s) working with a student and their parent(s) to address additional support needs when tier-1 support has not worked. Students can be referred to SSC by administrators, counselors or teachers.