Course Catalog
Information for courses in the 2024-2025 school year
Highland High School exists to ensure that all students learn essential skills to become successful adults. These skills encompass academic, social, emotional and career proficiencies. At Highland High, educators work interdependently to improve their professional practice through analyzing student performance, aligning curriculum, and engaging in quality professional development. Exceptional instruction is complemented with timely interventions to ensure that all students learn. Highland High School affirms that student success is the only option.
- What's your graduation plan? List the courses you have taken, the courses you need to take, and credits received: Graduation Plan Worksheet
- Course Length: 1.0 = Full-Year Course | 0.5 = Semester Course
- some courses may be a semester in length but may receive a full-year credit. Please read through course information for further details.
- School Fees: Please review policy S-10 for current fees and fee waiver information
Salt Lake City School District Board Policy | Student Fees and Fee Waiver: S-10 - Off-Campus Some courses are located on another campus and although transportation (school bus) is provided, here are the addresses in case you need them:
- CTC: Career & Technical Center 1633 South Edison Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
- WHS: West High School 241 N 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84103
- EHS: East High School 840 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84102
1. FULL SCHEDULE: All students must select eight courses that include at least three CORE subjects (i.e., Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and/or World Language) and three alternates.
IMPORTANT: Email for a link to the current course selection form, make sure to indicate which year (9th - 12th) you need.
NINTH GRADE STUDENTS: Course selection includes at very least: Language Arts, Math, Geography, Science, PE Skills, Fitness for Life and a World Language.
TENTH GRADE STUDENTS: Select courses for Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Health. Other courses required for graduation should be given priority (i.e. CTE, Fine Arts, PE, and Computer Technology).
ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS: Select courses for Language Arts, Math, Science, and U.S. History. Other courses required for graduation, college admissions, and career goals should be given priority (i.e. US Government & Citizenship, Financial Literacy, CTE, Fine Arts, and PE.)
TWELFTH GRADE STUDENTS: Select courses for Language Arts, any other unmet graduation requirements and electives, to equal a required full schedule. Courses required for graduation, college admissions and career goals should be given priority. Concurrent Enrollment and AP Courses are highly encourage, please consider taking these courses. To add a Home Release (or Seminary) to your schedule, students must meet and gain approval from an Administrator (Principal/Asst. Principal) and also provide parental consent.
2. READ the course descriptions carefully to determine grade level, amount of graduation credit, general description of the course, if lab fees are required, or special instructions.
3. DETERMINE if the courses you select are taught for one or two semesters. The course descriptions in this booklet will identify how many credits are earned when the course is successfully completed. SEMESTER: .50 credits, YEAR (both semesters): 1.0 credits
4. FEES: Many courses have fees associated with them. Please refer to the specific course description for details. For an example, the cost for one Advanced Placement (AP) Exam can be around $100 and all students who are enrolled in AP courses are highly encouraged to take them.
Salt Lake City School District Board of Education Fee Schedule | Pay fees/fines @
5. CHOOSE: Students should choose their courses carefully, because course changes will be granted ONLY ONCE a year. Course changes can be made for:
(a) Computer error
(b) Placement to more appropriate course level
(c) Request of administration
(d) To complete graduation requirements (seniors only)
6. COURSE CHANGES for the above reasons must be completed by the week before school starts or the end of semester one. AP & IB courses may not be dropped without Principal’s approval.
7. NEW STUDENTS who register at Highland High, between the beginning of a term and two weeks prior to the end of the term, the student's counselor/teacher will take into consideration the work done at the student's previous school in determining the student's grade.
8. EARLY GRADS: Students interested in early graduation should see their counselor for requirements at least one semester in advance.
9. WORK CREDIT: Students interested in Work Credit or Internships should see the CTE Coordinator for course selection materials.
All Salt Lake City School District high schools require 24 total credits completed from the following areas of study:
Language Arts 4.0 | Social Studies 3.0 |
Mathematics 3.0 | Science 3.0 |
Physical Education 1.5 | Fine Arts 1.5 |
Career & Tech Ed 1.0 | Digital Studies 0.5 |
Financial Literacy 0.5 | Health Education 0.5 |
Electives 5.5 |
Any course taken in excess of the required amount will count as elective credit. Example: 4 credits of Math received, 3 count toward required credits and 1 toward elective.
After successfully passing an end-of-year advanced placement college examination, college credit may be awarded by colleges and universities. The amount of credit varies from institution to institution. Be sure to check with your college of interest to determine their acceptance policy. AP Courses at Highland High School will only carry if the demand is great enough. All students signing up for AP courses are expected to commit to the course for the full year and expected to take the AP exam in the spring. College credit may be awarded to students who successfully pass the AP exam. Students should check to see if the college/university they plan to attend offers credit for AP courses and if so, how much credit.
The CTC is the location used for Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. This program includes both academic and technical aspects of learning in each CTE curriculum area. Through the SEOP process, CTE career pathways assist students with acquiring better understanding and greater awareness of career opportunities in their community, state and nation.
These courses are a fantastic deal for high school students! You can earn both high school credit and college credit at the same time! The credit cost savings is exceptional: At Salt Lake Community College, a 3 college credit course costs under $500, plus books fees. As a Highland Junior or Senior, you pay the one-time application fee on-line to the college, which also counts for your CE registration (up to a year after you graduate) if you decide to attend SLCC! Most Utah universities and colleges accept these credits as well. Some of our CE courses require a college textbook rental fee (~$25), which is not fee waiverable, and qualifying pre-tests (CPT or ACT), which are included in your CE registration cost. There is a small fee per college credit hour tuition, which will be required after student is added to the course, paid directly to college. See individual course descriptions for more about this incredible value. Most concurrent enrollment courses are for 11-12 grades. However, 10th graders may fill out appeal form with SLCC. For more information, contact the teacher offering the course, or the CTE secretary.
ESL/ELD courses are available for student’s who do not speak English as their first language. These courses fulfill graduation requirements while improving a student’s English language skills. Courses offer specialized instruction and content specific to each student’s language proficiency level. Level 3, 4, and 5 courses are taught by teachers who use sheltered instructional techniques to help students better understand language curriculum.
International Baccalaureate - Highland High School (
The IB Program at Highland High is for academically disciplined students who desire a curriculum that presents subject matter from a worldwide perspective. Students who are highly motivated and productive will benefit from this course of study. Students are admitted for 9th grade through an application process, which begins in January of 8th grade. Selection is based on grades, teacher recommendations, and evidence of motivation. Courses taken in the ninth and tenth grades are preparatory to beginning the IB courses in the 11th grade. Students who complete the IB Program at a standardized level of competency earn a high school diploma and the internationally recognized IB Diploma. Students may earn college credit and advanced standing at institutions of higher learning throughout the world. Students at Highland will move through IB courses in 11th and 12th grade as a small learning community, providing support and encouragement for each other. See coordinator for further information or IB testing & testing costs.
Salt Lake City School District recognizes that students with disabilities have diverse educational needs. In order to provide an educational opportunity that is appropriate for students receiving special education, Salt Lake City School District has varied options for eligible students to access the general education curriculum. The student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) determines the most appropriate option.
CTE COURSES: Most of these courses are at Highland, but some are offered off-campus at the district Career & Technical Education Center (CTC), Horizonte, or East High School, as designated. Transportation to and from these sites is provided unless otherwise indicated.
CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION PATHWAY COMPLETER AWARD: The Career Pathway Completer Award is for students who earn 3 credits of “C” or better in a specific career pathway. This medallion goes great with graduation gowns! See your counselor or CTE Coordinator for more information.
CTE Courses Offered:
- Animal & Veterinary Science
- Automotive
- Broadcasting & Digital Media
- Business & Marketing
- Culinary Arts
- Cybersecurity
- Family & Human Services
- Fashion Apparel & Textiles
- Graphic Design & Communication
- Health Science
- Information Technology Systems
- Interior Design
- K-12: Teaching as a Profession
- Manufacturing & Production
- Personal Care Services
- Pre-K: Early Childhood Education
- Protective Services
- Programming & Software Development
- Welding & Machining
- Work Based Learning Education
Animal & Veterinary Science
- Agricultural Biotechnology (1.0)
- Guide Dog Training (1.0)
- Small & Companion Animal Science (0.5)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Agricultural Biotechnology (1.0)
Course #: 67927200
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Science Elective
Description: This amazing hands-on class guides students in developing knowledge and skills that will provide a foundation in plant science, horticulture, natural resources, agricultural systems and technology. Topics covered will be basic animal, plant, and soil science; natural resources; food science technology; agribusiness; and agricultural career awareness. During this course students will focus on growing plants hydroponically and in soil. Students will learn greenhouse management and responsibilities as they work in the Highland greenhouse. AG-TECH!
Guide Dog Training (1.0)
Course #: 67239120
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Description: The Salt Lake City School District has partnered with Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.; providing students with a real-life experience of raising a puppy. The format for this course is completely hands-on. Students who are approved will raise a future guide dog. The puppies are bred by Guide Dogs and given to students. The puppies will live with the students for a year. Student will learn first-hand how to care for and train these very special companion dogs.
Small & Companion Animal Science (0.5)
Course #: 67239100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course focuses on relationships between humans and the animals we share our lives with. Training techniques are discussed for guide dogs, search and rescue, show animals, police & military dogs and companion animals. The companion animal science is a program designed to enhance a student’s basic understanding of the animal husbandry practices and to expose students to the vast career opportunities relating to animals. The curriculum includes: Health related issues, giving students a knowledge of how to properly care for their pets.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
- Small Engine Repair (0.5)
- Welding - Entry Level (1.0)
- Auto 1 Introduction (1.0)
- Auto 2 Brake Suspension (1.0)
- Auto 3 Electrical (1.0)
- Basic Collision Repair (1.0)
- Collision Repair 1 (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Small Engine Repair (0.5)
Small Engine Repair
Course #: 67246020
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: A hands-on experience that demonstrates mechanical concepts and procedures, preparing students to diagnose, troubleshoot, tune-up, repair, disassemble and reassemble small internal combustion engines used on motorcycles, scooters, ATV’s, go-carts, mopeds, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, weed trimmers, chainsaws and more. Lab fee required.
Welding - Entry Level (1.0)
Course #: 67249200
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Students will learn basic welding skills in gas metal arc welding, shielded metal arc welding and oxy-fuel cutting that will prepare them to apply technical knowledge and skill in the workplace. Students will learn and practice knowledge, attitude, skills and habits required for performing job tasks safely and efficiently. This is a Tech Center course taught at Highland.
Auto 1 Introduction (1.0)
Auto 1 Introduction
Course #: 67230500
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This course prepares students to maintain and service all types of automobiles in a rapidly changing industry. Instruction focuses on shop safety, basic technical skills, and a full systems approach to maintaining modern automobiles and preparation for higher-level auto courses, entry-level employment, and further educational goals. Learn and navigate through the basic systems of the auto- mobile. Emphasis in the following areas: Safety and MDSD, tools and equipment, tires, suspension, steering, brakes and hydraulic systems, electrical systems, and engine and drive train. Lab fee required.
Auto 2 Brake Suspension (1.0)
Auto 2 Brake Suspension
Course #: 67793000
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 & 0.5 CTE or Elective
Description: This course prepares students to maintain and service the steering and suspension systems on all types of automobiles. Analyze, diagnose, maintain, and repair basic steering and suspension malfunctions and components. Lab work is based on the NATEF task list. Employability and work habits are emphasized. Students will prepare for ASE certification, entry-level employment, and further education. This is a semester course in combination with ASE Brakes (Auto 2). Lab fee required. Describe, Reinforce and Review the areas covered in Intro to Automotive.
Auto 3 Electrical (1.0)
Auto 3 Electrical
Course #: 67795000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This course prepares students to analyze, diagnose, maintain, and repair electrical systems on modern automobiles using advanced diagnostic and repair equipment. Employability and work habits are emphasized as students are introduced to industry practices through field studies, internships, and SkillsUSA. Stu- dents will prepare for ASE certification, entry-level employment, and post- secondary education. Courseroom and lab activities are based on the NATEF task list. This is a full year course in combination with ASE Engine Performance. Learn the importance of deadlines and how to meet them.
Project Based Learning-Vehicle Projects (Group Model)
• Reinforce Task lists
• Develop Leadership and Communication Skills
• Demonstrate valuable Employment Skills/Work Ethics
• Learn Goal Setting
Basic Collision Repair (1.0)
Basic Collision Repair
Course #: 67234720
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: East High School
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This is a course that prepares individuals to repair automotive, uni-bodies, fenders, and frames of automobiles. Instruction includes training in refinishing and painting. Work ethics and productivity are an integral part of the courseroom and laboratory activities of this program. This is a Tech Center course taught at East High. FEE: $25 semester plus individual projects.
Collision Repair 1 (1.0)
Collision Repair 1
Course #: 67235320
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: East High School
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This is a course that prepares individuals to repair automotive, uni-bodies, fenders, and frames of automobiles. Instruction includes training in non-structural and structural repairs. Work ethics and productivity are an integral part of the courseroom and laboratory activities of this program.
This course is offered during 7/8 period only for Highland, West and Innovation students. East students during 5/6 period. This is a Tech Center course taught at East High. FEE: $25 per semester plus individual projects.
CTE Internship (0.5)
CTE Internship
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Broadcasting & Digital Media
- 3D Graphics (0.5)
- 3D Graphics Advanced (0.5)
- 3D Animation (0.5)
- 3D Animation Advanced (0.5)
- Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
- Web Development 1A (0.5)
- Television Broadcasting I (0.5)
- Television Broadcasting II-HTVS (1.0)
- Video Production I (0.5)
- Video Production II (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
3D Graphics (0.5)
Course #: 67419300
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective
Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of 3D modeling and texturing. Students will learn how to use industry standard software such as Blender to create and manipulate 3D models, apply textures and lighting. Throughout the course, students will work on individual and group projects, learning how to create 3D models of characters, props, and environments. The course will give students an overview of the many potential career paths in the field of 3D graphics.
3D Graphics Advanced (0.5)
Course #: 67419230
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective
Description: This course is designed for students who have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of 3D modeling and texturing and are ready to take their skills to the next level. Students will learn advanced techniques such as sculpting, hard surface modeling, and photorealistic texturing. They will also learn how to create more complex and realistic lighting and rendering. Throughout the course, students will work on individual and group projects, learning how to create highly detailed and realistic 3D models of characters, props, and environments.
3D Animation (0.5)
Course #: 67419200
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective
Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the principles and techniques of 3D animation. Students will learn how to use industry standard software such as Blender to create and manipulate 3D models and create animations. The course will cover keyframe animation, rigging, and motion graphics, as well as the principles of animation such as timing, spacing, and weight. Throughout the course, students will work on individual and group projects, learning how to create animations of characters, props, and environments. The course will give students an overview of the many potential career paths in the field of 3D animation.
3D Animation Advanced (0.5)
Course #: 67419240
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Elective
Description: This course is designed for students who have a solid understanding of the principles and techniques of 3D animation. Students will learn advanced techniques such as motion capture, keyframe animation, rigging, and motion graphics. They will also learn how to create more complex and realistic animations. Throughout the course, students will work on individual and group projects, learning how to create highly detailed and realistic animations of characters, props, and environments.
Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
Course #: 65274010
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE/Elective
Description: Introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn to design, code, and test their own programs while applying mathematical concepts. Teachers introduce concepts and problem-solving skills to beginning students through a programming language such as Delphi, C++, C#, Java, Python, or VB.
Web Development 1A (0.5)
Course #: 65229100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies, CTE or Elective
Description: This course focuses on up-to-date concepts and skills that are used in the development of today’s websites. Students will learn fundamentals of how the Internet works and basic building blocks for the World Wide Web, including HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as they create web pages. Lab fee required.
Television Broadcasting I (0.5)
Course #: 67272200
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Experience a wide range of creativity utilizing skills in technical areas of camera operation, audio recording, lighting systems, production, studio operations, control room operations, visual effects, graphic design, and copyright laws. Lab fee required.
Television Broadcasting II-HTVS (1.0)
Course #: 67272400
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Express your creativity as you develop and produce live television news shows. Building on skills gained from Television Broadcasting I, you will be involved in a workplace-like environment as you bring the news to the school through HTVS. Additional instruction in news production coupled with courseroom experience makes this the gateway course to the industry. Lab fee required. APPLICATION REQUIRED see CTE OFFICE for info.
Video Production I (0.5)
Course #: 67270300
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE or Fine Arts
Description: Take this course and learn all aspects of project development, pre-production, production, and post-production with hands on assignments including the use of cameras and professional editing software to create your very own video projects. Lab fee required.
Video Production II (1.0)
Course #: 67270700
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Fine Arts
Description: Further express your creativity as you build upon skills gained from Video Production I. Delve more deeply into the areas of camera operation, audio, lighting systems, project development, preproduction, production, post-production, visual effects, graphics, and copyright laws. Students will be studying the work of accomplished filmmakers as well as producing several original projects. Lab fee required.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
- Computer Programming 2
- Computer Systems 1 & 2
- Gaming Development
- Mobile Development
- Network Fundementals
- Exploring Computer Science
- Cyber Forensics
- Cyber Security
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Computer Programming 2
Computer Programming 2
Course #: 65278020
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE/Elective
Description: This is an advanced course in computer programming/software engineering and applications. It reviews and builds on the concepts introduced in CP IA/B. It introduces students to dynamic allocation of data, advanced utilization of courses, GUI techniques, and applications of recursion through mathematical concepts.
Computer Systems 1 & 2
Computer Systems 1 & 2
Course #: 67291100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE/Elective
Description: A+ Certification is a testing program sponsored by CompTIA that certifies the competency of entry-level (6 months experience) service technicians in the computer industry. Anyone who wants an internationally recognized credential as a competent entry-level (6 months experience) computer service professional can take the A+ examination. The program is supported by major computer hardware and software vendors, distributors, resellers and publications. Earning A+ certification means that the individual possesses the knowledge, skills, and customer relations skills essential for a successful entry-level (6 months experience) computer service technician, as defined by experts from companies across the industry.
Gaming Development
Gaming Development
Course #: 65264000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course will provide core gaming development skills. Students will gain a solid foundational knowledge of game design, hardware, graphics and animation.
Mobile Development
Mobile Development
Course #: 65265000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course will provide core mobile development skills. Students will gain a solid foundation knowledge of topics relating to mobile device development, including HTML5, and other mobile operating system tools. It is recommended that students be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the mobile development technologies.
Network Fundementals
Network Fundamentals
Course #: 67292100
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Network+ is a testing program by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) that certifies the knowledge of networking technicians with 18-24 months experience in the IT industry. Earning the Network+ certification means that the candidate possesses the knowledge needed to configure and install the TCP/IP client. This exam covers a wide range of vendor and product neutral networking technologies.
Exploring Computer Science
Exploring Computer Science
Course #: 65261800
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Beginner Level Course. This course aims to attract a broader range of students into the field of computer science—leading to future opportunities for high-paying jobs in fields that have a growing need for qualified applicants. This is an introductory course for students without much computer science experience. For example: students who learned coding in middle school or have gained coding skills in other ways, should NOT take this course and choose a more-advanced course to meet this graduation requirement.
ECS has three strands: Interacting with Computers; Problem-solving and Introduction to Programming (using Scratch). Students become members of a “computing community of practice” as they are introduced to the behavior, language and skills or computer scientists. Lab fee required.
Cyber Forensics
Cyber Forensics
Course #: 67290100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Computer hacking forensic investigation is the process of detecting hacking attacks and properly extracting evidence to report the crime and conduct audits to prevent future attacks.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Course #: 67290000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course will provide a comprehensive view of Cybersecurity across an organization. You will learn how to use feature of modern operating systems to enhance an organization’s security, understand inherent weaknesses in wireless and wired networks, and be better equipped to protect your employer’s and own information. As a prerequisite to advanced topics of ethical hacking, incident response and digital forensics, you will also learn about Cybersecurity career paths and how to further develop your skills in these areas.
CTE Internship (0.5)
CTE Internship
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Business & Marketing
- Business Office Specialist (0.5)
- Entrepreneurship (0.5)
- Marketing 1 (0.5)
- Web Development (0.5)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Business Office Specialist (0.5)
Course #: 65209210
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies, CTE or Elective
Description: This course provides opportunities for basic, intermediate and advanced levels of achievement. This course centers on building skills in Microsoft Offices programs, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. These skills contribute to success at school and are essential in the world-of-work. Students can formally validate their abilities by taking Microsoft Office Specialist and Microsoft Office Expert industry certification exams in course at no cost. Long after the semester is over, these skills will reward students as they create quality projects for varied purposes and are better able to adapt to changing trends in technology. Lab fee required.
Entrepreneurship (0.5)
Course #: 67227500
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective
Description: This course helps student’s gain an understanding of the business/marketing principles necessary to start and operate a business. Students will first learn basic economic principles related to business ownership. They will identify and assess common traits and skills found in entrepreneurs, explore business opportunities, and compare the risks and rewards of owning a business. The primary focus of the course is to help students understand the process of analyzing a business opportunity, determining feasibility of an idea utilizing research, developing a plan to organize and promote the business and its products/services, and finally, to understand the capital required, the return on investment desired, and the potential for profit.
Marketing 1 (0.5)
Course #: 65221300
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective
Description: Marketing 1 is the foundation for all marketing courses. Students will learn basic principles that lead to careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. Students will be introduced to the world of marketing including the free enterprise system. The seven core functions of marketing will be examined: Marketing Planning, Marketing-Information Management, Pricing, Product/Service Management, Promotion, Channel Management, and Selling. A central focus throughout the course will be the development of soft skills including teamwork, oral communication, written communication, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. Students should have the opportunity to participate in DECA, a student organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.
Web Development (0.5)
Course #: 65229100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies, CTE or Elective
Description: This course focuses on up-to-date concepts and skills that are used in the development of today’s websites. Students will learn fundamentals of how the Internet works and basic building blocks for the World Wide Web, including HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as they create web pages. Lab fee required.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Culinary Arts
Foods & Nutrition (0.5)
Course #: 67193100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Do you like to eat good food? Sign up and develop your cooking skills as you learn the principles of good nutrition and how to use My Plate guidelines for every day eating. Learn how to improve your level of fitness and personal health and well-being. We cook about 50-60% of the time. FCCLA student leadership organization may be an integral part of the course. A lab fee required.
Culinary 1 (0.5)
Course #: 67215320
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course is the secondary step in the culinary arts pathway. Experiences will highlight food safety and sanitation, careers, introduce knife skills and cooking techniques, and basic culinary skills related to stocks, sauces, and yeast breads. There will be a focus on career readiness. Student leadership and competitive events (FCCLA) may be integrated into this course.
Baking & Pastry (0.5)
Course #: 67190500
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course introduces Culinary Arts students to another aspect of the Culinary Arts industry, baking and pastry. Students will gain experience with baking terminology, equipment, formula conversions, and practice methods for creating yeast breads, pastries, fillings, cakes, and cooking production. Students will also have the opportunity to practice industry workplace skills, food safety and understand the opportunities for careers within baking and pastry industry.
ProStart (1.0)
Course #: 67190000
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Students will continue to their practice on breakfast cookery, sandwiches, salads and garnishes, meat, poultry, seafood, desserts, baked goods, and global cuisine from the Americas, Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East and Asia. You don’t need ProStart I before ProStart II. Hands on cooking is an integral part of this course. We cook 95% of the time. A lab fee required. *Food & Nutrition is a prerequisite for this class* A lab fee required. *Concurrent Enrollment available
CTE Internship (0.5)
CTE Internship
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
- Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
- Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
- Network Fundamentals (1.0)
- Web Development 1A (0.5)
- Cyber Security (0.5)
- Cyber Forensics (0.5)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
Course #: 65261800
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Beginner Level Course. This course aims to attract a broader range of students into the field of computer science—leading to future opportunities for high-paying jobs in fields that have a growing need for qualified applicants. This is an introductory course for students without much computer science experience. For example: students who learned coding in middle school or have gained coding skills in other ways, should NOT take this course and choose a more-advanced course to meet this graduation requirement.
ECS has three strands: Interacting with Computers; Problem-solving and Introduction to Programming (using Scratch). Students become members of a “computing community of practice” as they are introduced to the behavior, language and skills or computer scientists. Lab fee required.
Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
Course #: 65274010
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE/Elective
Description: Introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn to design, code, and test their own programs while applying mathematical concepts. Teachers introduce concepts and problem-solving skills to beginning students through a programming language such as Delphi, C++, C#, Java, Python, or VB.
Network Fundamentals (1.0)
Course #: 67292100
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Network+ is a testing program by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) that certifies the knowledge of networking technicians with 18-24 months experience in the IT industry. Earning the Network+ certification means that the candidate possesses the knowledge needed to configure and install the TCP/IP client. This exam covers a wide range of vendor and product neutral networking technologies.
Web Development 1A (0.5)
Course #: 65229100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies, CTE or Elective
Description: This course focuses on up-to-date concepts and skills that are used in the development of today’s websites. Students will learn fundamentals of how the Internet works and basic building blocks for the World Wide Web, including HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as they create web pages. Lab fee required.
Cyber Security (0.5)
Course #: 67290000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course will provide students with information on network security including industry wide topics on communication security, infrastructure security, cryptography, access control, authentication, external attack and operational and organization security. This course will also prepare students for the CompTIA Security+ IT industry certification exam. The Security+ exam measures the security knowledge mastery of an individual and networking experience.
Cyber Forensics (0.5)
Course #: 67290100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Computer hacking forensic investigation is the process of detecting hacking attacks and properly extracting evidence to report the crime and conduct audits to prevent future attacks.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Family & Human Services
- Intro to Behavioral Health (0.5)
- Intro to Health Science (0.5)
- Individual and Family Relationships (0.5)
- Human Development (0.5)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Intro to Behavioral Health (0.5)
Course #: 67929300
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Introduction to the behavioral health industry by exploring self-concept, effective communication, relationships, addictive behaviors, mental health disorders and behavioral health laws and rights and the careers associated with each of these areas in the behavioral health field.
Intro to Health Science (0.5)
Course #: 67929000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This semester course is designed to prepare students with an interest in a health care career for further study. Students will explore career possibilities in health care and the education that they will need to compete in the job market. This course covers basic anatomy and physiology, medical terms, medical ethics, and diseases and disorders, and preparing students for more advanced information in Medical Anatomy & Physiology. Note: Some schools offer the Introduction to Health Science integrated with general Health, in an entire year course. Lab fee required.
Individual and Family Relationships (0.5)
Course #: 67238100
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course includes the study of developing skills to build and maintain a healthy self-concept and effective communication that establish healthy relationships for an individual, family, community, marriage, peers and professionally. This course will emphasize establishing and maintaining relationships based on effective communication, diverse family systems, characteristics of personal development and the impact of relationships on personal and career connection.
Human Development (0.5)
Course #: 63042200
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Human Development is a survey course that addresses development aspects of individuals across the lifespan. Content encompasses study of biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development of healthy individuals in context of family and society. Course will strengthen comprehension of STEM education. Emphasizing and demonstrating connections between theory, research, and application.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Fashion Apparel & Textiles
- Fashion Design Studio (0.5)
- Fashion Design Merchandising (0.5)
- Sports & Outdoor Design I (0.5)
- Sports & Outdoor Design II (0.5)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Fashion Design Studio (0.5)
Course #: 67209200
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course explores how fashion influences everyday life and introduces students to the fashion industry. Topics covered include: fashion fundamentals, elements and principles of design, textiles, consumerism, and fashion related careers, with an emphasis on personal application. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.
Fashion Design Merchandising (0.5)
Course #: 65261020
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: The Fashion Merchandising course is an introductory course that teaches the concepts of entry-level business and fashion fundamentals. The following list of skill standards prepares the student in fashion merchandising with the fundamentals of: basic fashion concepts and marketing terminology, fashion cycles, key components of the fashion industry, retail merchandise categories, fashion promotion and fashion careers. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.
Sports & Outdoor Design I (0.5)
Course #: 67195020
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Students learn basic design and construction skills using technical fabrics to make projects for the outdoor/sports industry. The skills will introduce and prepare students for employment opportunities in the outdoor/sports industry. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.
Sports & Outdoor Design II (0.5)
Course #: 67196020
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Students will further strengthen and broaden sports and outdoor design and production techniques. In this course they design and construct intermediate level projects using various construction techniques. These skills prepare students for the exciting global sports and outdoor industry and entrepreneurial opportunities. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Graphic Design & Communication
- Commercial Photography 1 (0.5)
- Commercial Photography 2 (0.5)
- Commercial Photography 2 (1.0)
- Commercial Art 1 (1.0)
- Commercial Art 2 (1.0)
- Commercial Art 3 (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Commercial Photography 1 (0.5)
Course #: 66223800
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course is part of a sequence of courses that prepares individuals to use artistic techniques combined with a commercial perspective to effectively communicate ideas and information to business and consumer audiences via the use of digital photography. Instruction includes training in specialized camera and equipment operation, software usage, maintenance, applications to commercial and industrial needs, and photography business operations. Lab fee is required.
Commercial Photography 2 (0.5)
Course #: 66224630
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.50 CTE/FA
Description: Digital photography is designed to develop in students a lifelong love of photography through learning the technical expertise to enable them to produce art-quality work. Students will learn about cameras, printers, and Adobe Photoshop editing and presentation software. They will be given opportunities to present their photographs in gallery settings and on the web. Career opportunities in photography will also be explored. Lab fee required.
Commercial Photography 2 (1.0)
Course #: 66224620
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Fine Arts
Description: Advanced photography is designed to offer students a rigorous environment in which to learn skills leading to post-graduate education or careers. Students are required to make gallery-quality prints for exhibition, enter competitions and other photographic exhibitions and prepare photographic materials for use on the Internet. Training includes, but is not limited to, art history, photographic history, use of professional equipment, studio experience and field practice. Students may be offered opportunities to participate in commercial assignments. Successful students will finish the year with a portfolio of prints that can be shown to college and university admissions departments or prospective employers. Lab fee required.
Commercial Art 1 (1.0)
Course #: 67421200
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Fine Arts
Description: Create unique artwork using the principles and elements of design. Learn traditional, digital and cutting-edge art techniques. Discover various careers from professional artists. Students will explore Photoshop, Illustrator, printmaking, vinyl cutting for stickers, poster design and more. Develop a personal portfolio for immediate employment or higher education. A lab fee required.
Commercial Art 2 (1.0)
Course #: 67423120
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Fine Arts
Description: Create unique artwork using the principles and elements of design. Learn traditional, digital and cutting-edge art techniques. Discover various careers from professional artists. Students will explore painting, drawing, airbrush illustration, cartooning, Photoshop, and other computer software. Develop a personal portfolio for immediate employment or higher education. Lab fee required.
Commercial Art 3 (1.0)
Course #: 67420410
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Fine Arts
Description: Create art using artistic techniques reflecting professional standards. Communicate your personal vision and develop exciting projects that prepare you for the world of Industrial Design. Explore the various careers in coordination with working professionals. Complete a series of designs and products that demonstrate your mastery of techniques, strategies and concepts. Assemble a portfolio for immediate employment or higher education opportunities. Lab fee required.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Health Science
- Intro to Health Science (0.5)
- Human Development (0.5)
- Medical Terminology (0.5)
- Medical Anatomy & Physiology (MAP) (1.0)
- Biotechnology (1.0)
- Exercise Science/Sports Medicine (1.0)
- Medical Forensics (1.0)
- Health Science Capstone (1.0)
- Nurse Assistant - CNA (1.0)
- Emergency Careers FS (0.5)
- Emergency Medical Tech – EMT BASIC CERT (2.0)
- Medical Assisting (2.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Intro to Health Science (0.5)
Course #: 67929000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This semester course is designed to prepare students with an interest in a health care career for further study. Students will explore career possibilities in health care and the education that they will need to compete in the job market. This course covers basic anatomy and physiology, medical terms, medical ethics, and diseases and disorders, and preparing students for more advanced information in Medical Anatomy & Physiology. Note: Some schools offer the Introduction to Health Science integrated with general Health, in an entire year course. Lab fee required.
Human Development (0.5)
Course #: 63042200
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Human Development is a survey course that addresses development aspects of individuals across the lifespan. Content encompasses study of biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development of healthy individuals in context of family and society. Course will strengthen comprehension of STEM education. Emphasizing and demonstrating connections between theory, research, and application.
Medical Terminology (0.5)
Course #: 67630000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (concurrent available)
Description: This course provides students with an in-depth study of medical terminology. It utilizes the Dean Vaughn Program which has been highly effective in teaching students medical terms in a way that can be easily remembered. The course will focus on learning prefixes and suffixes and building words associated with the human body, medicine and healthcare industries. It is designed to prepare students for college medical courses and for employment in the healthcare professions. Lab fee required.
Medical Anatomy & Physiology (MAP) (1.0)
Course #: 67939000
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE - or - 3rd year science credit
Description: This course is designed for students pursuing medical and health related careers or for those who wish to gain a better understanding of the human body that can be applied to everyday life. The course focuses on human biology and incorporates dissections, labs, and other hands-on activities. Areas of study include basic body chemistry, tissues, anatomy and physiology of all body systems, diseases and medical terminology. Instruction includes intermediate anatomy and physiology, diseases and disorders, and medical ethics. The course is designed to prepare students for a variety of health care programs and future employment in a health care field. Lab fee is required.
Biotechnology (1.0)
Course #: 67928200
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Science Elective & College Sci.
Description: Biotechnology is a fun-filled, exciting, hands-on course that explores the labs and technology of biology. It is designed as an introduction to the basics of lab work and also to create an awareness of career possibilities in the field of biotechnology. This course provides basic laboratory skills and a solid foundation for success in future high school or university lab experiences. The curriculum covers a range of material from performing basic measuring labs to accomplishing complex genetics labs to evaluating students’ fitness; there is something here for everyone.
Exercise Science/Sports Medicine (1.0)
Course #: 68801000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Year Long
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This full-year course is designed to teach students components of exercise science/sports medicine; including exploration of therapeutic careers, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, first aid, injury prevention principles, the healing process, rehabilitation techniques, therapeutic modalities, sport nutrition, sport psychology, and performance enhancement philosophies.
Medical Forensics (1.0)
Course #: 67939020
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Year Long
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This year-long course is designed to create an awareness of the branch of health science relating to medical forensics. This course focuses on introductory skills and assessment in order to develop the ability to identify, analyze, and process logically using deductive reasoning and problem solving. Medical forensics involves many aspects of health science instruction including laboratory skills and safety, microscopy, toxicology, measurement, physical evidence identification, pathology, anthropology, entomology, psychology, blood spatter analysis, and career exploration.
Health Science Capstone (1.0)
Course #: 67950300
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or 0.5 Health or Science Elective
Description: Advanced Health Science HL is a course designed to study the health sciences and health professions through medical case studies. The course focuses on patient case histories, the disease processes, and the health professionals who work as a team to diagnose and treat disease. Each case study focuses on a different disease and different body system. The case studies have an on-line component. Students are assigned an Anatomy in Clay model which allows the student to build the human body using clay, expanding the student’s understanding of the human body. Lab fee required.
Nurse Assistant - CNA (1.0)
Course #: 67933000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Students will learn routine nursing skills to service patients in a hospital or long-term care facility. Students completing the CNA course will be prepared to take the state CNA Certification exam. This license will facilitate employment in a hospital and future educational opportunities in health science. There is an age requirement to take the licensing exam, students must be 18+ within 30 days of course completion in May. State testing fee. Course Fee.
Optional CPR Certification Card or Blood Pressure Cuff/Stethoscope fees – Paid to Treasurer.
The following are required for students to participate in clinical rotations for certification and paid directly to state agencies:
$30 Two-step TB Test | $26 Urine drug screen
Immunizations and TB testing may be covered under personal insurance or with primary care doctor.
State Certification Fee: $75.00
Emergency Careers FS (0.5)
Course #: 67942150
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This is course prepare individuals with knowledge of skills used within firefighting. This course is a general introduction to career possibilities within emergency services. It includes instruction in how to get started in an emergency career, creating and delivering public presentations, healthy living, communication skills, CPR certification, and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) completion.
Emergency Medical Tech – EMT BASIC CERT (2.0)
Course #: 67942400
Gradel Level: 12
Length: Double-Block Year-Long
Location: CTC (Off Campus)
Graduation Credit: 2.0 CTE (DB—A full year double-block course) Location: CTC
Description: Must turn 18 within 90 days of completing course.
This course prepares students to perform initial medical diagnosis, treatment, and comprehensive care in medical crises; under the general supervision of a coordinating physician. Includes instruction in all aspects of basic health care; disease, disorder, and injury symptomology and diagnosis; emergency medical treatment procedures for various injuries and disease outbreaks; basic pharmacology; anesthetics; intravenous and other drug administration procedures; obstetrics procedures; basic surgical techniques; emergency medical equipment operation and maintenance; special care of patients exposed to heat, cold, radiation, or contagious disease; and administrative aspects of emergency medicine. Programs may include emergency vehicle operation and patient transportation procedures, depending on level of training. CPR Certification fee is paid to the Highland treasurer (Only paid once in fall semester for EMT Basic Cert). National EMT Exam fee paid to NREMT with application. State EMS Fee paid to BEMS directly with application. Due early September to avoid late fee.
Medical Assisting (2.0)
Course #: 67936200
Gradel Level: 12
Length: Double-Block Year Long, Taught 3-4 periods
Location: CTC (Off Campus)
Graduation Credit: 2.0 CTE or 3rd year science credit
Description: Would you like to work in a doctor’s office or in a clinic? This course covers skills needed to work in a physician’s office, medical records management, phlebotomy, telephone triage, minor surgical procedures, injections, billing and coding, IV placement, and many more medical skills are covered in this engaging course. This course prepares students to take the State Board of Education test for Utah Endorsed Medical Assistant Certification. This is a Double-Block yearlong course. Optional CPR Certification Card or Blood Pressure Cuff/Stethoscope Fees – paid to treasurer.
The following are required for students to participate in clinical rotation for certification and paid directly to state agencies:
- $30 Two-step TB Test
- $26 Urine drug screen
- $51 Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antibody
- $17 Background check (U of U students only)
- Immunizations and TB testing may be covered under personal insurance or with primary care doctor.
- State Certification Fee: $75.00
- NCCT (National) MA Certification Fee: $90.00
CTE Internship (0.5)
CTE Internship
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Information Technology Systems
- Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
- Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
- Network Fundamentals (1.0)
- Web Development 1A (0.5)
- Computer Systems 1 & 2 (1.0)
- Intro to GIS (0.5)
- GIS Remote Sensing (0.5)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
Course #: 65274010
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE/Elective
Description: Introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn to design, code, and test their own programs while applying mathematical concepts. Teachers introduce concepts and problem-solving skills to beginning students through a programming language such as Delphi, C++, C#, Java, Python, or VB.
Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
Course #: 65261800
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Beginner Level Course. This course aims to attract a broader range of students into the field of computer science—leading to future opportunities for high-paying jobs in fields that have a growing need for qualified applicants. This is an introductory course for students without much computer science experience. For example: students who learned coding in middle school or have gained coding skills in other ways, should NOT take this course and choose a more-advanced course to meet this graduation requirement.
ECS has three strands: Interacting with Computers; Problem-solving and Introduction to Programming (using Scratch). Students become members of a “computing community of practice” as they are introduced to the behavior, language and skills or computer scientists. Lab fee required.
Network Fundamentals (1.0)
Course #: 67292100
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Network+ is a testing program by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) that certifies the knowledge of networking technicians with 18-24 months experience in the IT industry. Earning the Network+ certification means that the candidate possesses the knowledge needed to configure and install the TCP/IP client. This exam covers a wide range of vendor and product neutral networking technologies.
Web Development 1A (0.5)
Course #: 65229100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies, CTE or Elective
Description: This course focuses on up-to-date concepts and skills that are used in the development of today’s websites. Students will learn fundamentals of how the Internet works and basic building blocks for the World Wide Web, including HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as they create web pages. Lab fee required.
Computer Systems 1 & 2 (1.0)
Course #: 67291100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE/Elective
Description: A+ Certification is a testing program sponsored by CompTIA that certifies the competency of entry-level (6 months experience) service technicians in the computer industry. Anyone who wants an internationally recognized credential as a competent entry-level (6 months experience) computer service professional can take the A+ examination. The program is supported by major computer hardware and software vendors, distributors, resellers and publications. Earning A+ certification means that the individual possesses the knowledge, skills, and customer relations skills essential for a successful entry-level (6 months experience) computer service technician, as defined by experts from companies across the industry.
Intro to GIS (0.5)
Intro to GIS
GIS = Geographic Information System
Course #: 65207000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course introduces fundamental concepts of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and the major functionality contained within professional GIS software. In course exercises, you will follow the GIS analytical process and work with a variety of tools to solve realistic problems. This course emphasizes practical GIS software skills.
GIS Remote Sensing (0.5)
GIS Remote Sensing
GIS = Geographic Information System
Course #: 65207100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course introduces fundamental concepts of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) remote sensing. In course exercises, the student will follow the GIS analytical process and work with a variety of tools to solve remote sensing problems. This course emphasizes practical GIS software skills that use remote sensing.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Interior Design
Interior Design I (0.5)
Course #: 67901000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Interior design is about spaces and the needs of the people that occupy them. The designer works on the aesthetics, as well as the functional, social, safety and cultural aspects of the space. In this course you will explore your creativity through the elements and principles of design. Learn to consider space allocation, traffic flow and furniture arrangement. Investigate careers. FCCLA may be an integral part of this course. Lab fee required.
Interior Design II (0.5)
Course #: 67905000
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Concurrent Enrollment Available. This course provides students the opportunity to develop skills in applying the elements and principles of design to interiors. Projects are integrated throughout the course to provide applications as the student's study: architecture, furniture styles and constructions, surface treatments and backgrounds, design and function of space and lighting. Design skills may be developed through computer projects. Residential, commercial and school interior design applications may also be explored as well as careers. FCCLA may be an integral part of this course. A lab fee required.
Marketing 1 (0.5)
Course #: 65221300
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE or Elective
Description: Marketing 1 is the foundation for all marketing courses. Students will learn basic principles that lead to careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. Students will be introduced to the world of marketing including the free enterprise system. The seven core functions of marketing will be examined: Marketing Planning, Marketing-Information Management, Pricing, Product/Service Management, Promotion, Channel Management, and Selling. A central focus throughout the course will be the development of soft skills including teamwork, oral communication, written communication, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. Students should have the opportunity to participate in DECA, a student organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
K-12: Teaching as a Profession
- Human Development (0.5)
- Teaching as a Profession 1 (0.5)
- Teaching as a Profession 2 (0.5)
- Teaching as a Profession 3 (0.50)
- CE Teaching as a Profession - EDU 1010 (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Human Development (0.5)
Course #: 63042200
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Human Development is a survey course that addresses development aspects of individuals across the lifespan. Content encompasses study of biological, cognitive, social, and emotional development of healthy individuals in context of family and society. Course will strengthen comprehension of STEM education. Emphasizing and demonstrating connections between theory, research, and application.
Teaching as a Profession 1 (0.5)
Course #: 67955500
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: A course designed to introduce students to the role and positive influence of an effective educator. Students will explore various careers in education and develop employability skills to become a successful professional. Students will understand the value of multiculturalism and diversity in the classroom and how it enhances individual student learning. Students will identify instructional strategies and understand the role of technology and feedback in student engagement.
Teaching as a Profession 2 (0.5)
Course #: 67956600
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: A course designed to introduce students to career opportunities and the required credentials needed to be a qualified educator. Students will explore educator roles and responsibilities and professional education organizations. Students will identify historic court cases that have impacted the learning environment. Students will use educational theories in developing lesson plans that incorporate multiculturalism and diversity, while understanding the role of classroom management procedures. Students will learn to implement instructional strategies and develop learner appropriate activities that inspire each student to enjoy learning.
Teaching as a Profession 3 (0.50)
Course #: 67956700
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course is designed to familiarize students with professional expectations and responsibilities of an educator. Students will identify different philosophies in education and develop their own philosophy of education. Students will recognize the impact of multiculturalism, diversity, and economic factors in the classroom. Students will explore the state approved standards, identify various types of instructional teaching methods, and apply effective strategies for effective classroom management and student learning. Students will recognize the elements of the Utah Effective Teaching Standards (UETS) through classroom observations. Students will integrate the elements of the UETS in lesson design and instructional decision making.
CE Teaching as a Profession - EDU 1010 (1.0)
Course #: 67957700
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Teaching as a career, challenges and rewards, history, philosophes, social issues, legal issues, job availability and governance. Preparation for acceptance into a teacher education program. Course will explore careers in education.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Manufacturing & Production
Woods I (0.5)
Woods I
Course #: 67288100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Level I Course. This course prepares students to develop the technical knowledge and skills necessary to create and design, measure and layout a wood project from a scale drawing using a bill of materials/plan of procedure, mill and assemble projects, sand and apply finish, and install hardware to complete a wood project. This course also stresses the safe operation of a variety of hand tools, power tools and machinery used by the professionals in the woodworking industry. Lab fee required.
Woods II (1.0)
Woods II
Course #: 67289100
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This instructional course prepares students to utilize the technical knowledge and skills developed in Cabinetmaking to design, construct and finish furniture projects. Students will be using more elaborate woodworking techniques and wood components in the assembly and repair of cabinets and furniture. This course also stresses the safe use of hand tools, power tools and machinery used by the professionals in the woodworking industry. Lab fee required.
Woods III (1.0)
Woods III
Course #: 67284900
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This course prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to set up and operate industrial woodworking machinery and to use such machinery to design and fabricate custom cabinets and architectural millwork. It stresses the safe use of trade hand and power tools and machinery used in the production of millwork items. Cabinets, such as kitchen and vanities are constructed, finished, and installed as part of this program. Lab fee required.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Personal Care Services
- Barbering I (1.0)
- Barbering II (1.0)
- Nail Technician 1 (1.0)
- Nail Technician 2 (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Barbering I (1.0)
Course #: 67140000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This course is designed to teach students basic barbering techniques and principles in both theory and practical work. Students will learn basic women’s and men’s haircutting techniques, styling, shaving, and small business practices. FEE: $25.00 paid to treasurer, Barbering Kit to own (optional), includes basic items: $40-70
Barbering II (1.0)
Course #: 67142000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Is a continuation course & students must complete Barbering 1 with 75% or higher skills passed off. Student will be taught through daily lecture/theory work, practical experience, creative demonstrations & possible field trips.
FEE: $25.00 paid to treasurer
Barbering Kit to own (optional), includes basic items: $40-70
Nail Technician 1 (1.0)
Course #: 67180210
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Nail Technology is one of the fastest growing, most creative, rewarding and high paying professions in cosmetology today. An extensive study of the art, science, hygiene and personal service on the manicure, and nail enhancements business. Students will design, sculpt, and apply variations of nail enhancements. Salon business management, professional job skills, and life skills will also be a part of this course. Students will be responsible for supplies related to this course. Nail Tech Kit to own (optional) includes basic items: $40 FEE: $25.00 paid to treasurer
Nail Technician 2 (1.0)
Course #: 67178270
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Year
Location: CTC
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: A continuation or Nail Tech A with enhanced training in all areas including an extensive study of the art, science, hygiene, and personal service on the manicure and nail enhancements business. Students will design, sculpt, and apply variations of nail enhancements. Salon business management, professional job skills, and life skills will also be a part of this course. A combination of these 2 courses (Nail Tech A & B) will provide 50 hours of the 300 hours required towards your state licensure. FEE: $25.00 paid to treasurer. Nail Tech Kit to own (optional) includes basic items: $40
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Pre-K: Early Childhood Education
- Child Development (0.5)
- Food & Nutrition (0.5)
- Early Childhood Education 1 (0.5)
- Early Childhood Education 2 (0.5)
- Early Childhood Education 3 (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Child Development (0.5)
Course #: 67237000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Boost your knowledge and understanding of human growth and development, as you observe and analyze children’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth from the prenatal period through adolescence. Parenting skills are developed as appropriate care, positive guidance techniques, and child related issues are studied. This course will lay the foundation for future careers in child related fields and parenting. At the completion of this course, you will be qualified to take Early Childhood Education I.
Food & Nutrition (0.5)
Course #: 67193100
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Do you like to eat good food? Sign up and develop your cooking skills as you learn the principles of good nutrition and how to use My Plate guidelines for every day eating. Learn how to improve your level of fitness and personal health and well-being. We cook about 50-60% of the time. FCCLA student leadership organization may be an integral part of the course. A lab fee required.
Early Childhood Education 1 (0.5)
Course #: 67225640
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE each
Description: Experience the joy of creating fun and exciting activities for children who are full of life and love learning! In this hands-on and engaging course, you will plan, evaluate activities, and observe children in a childcare lab. You will gain insights into children’s development, and your own growth, which will optimize your interactions with children now and in the future. At the conclusion of this course, you will be better prepared to enter a college-level teaching program, and you will have the skills necessary for advanced certifications and immediate employment in childcare related jobs. At the completion of this course you will be qualified to take Early Childhood Education II. Lab fee required.
Early Childhood Education 2 (0.5)
Course #: 67225710
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE each
Description: Experience the joy of creating fun and exciting activities for children who are full of life and love learning! In this hands-on and engaging course, you will plan, evaluate activities, and observe children in a childcare lab. You will gain insights into children’s development, and your own growth, which will optimize your interactions with children now and in the future. At the conclusion of this course, you will be better prepared to enter a college-level teaching program, and you will have the skills necessary for advanced certifications and immediate employment in childcare related jobs. At the completion of this course you will be qualified to take Early Childhood Education II. Lab fee required.
Early Childhood Education 3 (1.0)
Course #: 67225730
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Expand your skills in teaching young children. Gain hands-on experience as you work with young children and complete steps to apply for the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. Your experiences will include program planning and management, resource and facility management, peer mentoring, supervising recreational and play activities, and preparing, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences for children. At the conclusion of this course, you will be well on your way to completing the CDA credential and will be more highly qualified for immediate employment in childcare related jobs. Lab fee required.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Protective Services
- Behavioral Health, Intro (0.5)
- Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
- Forensic Science II (1.0)
- Health Science, Intro (0.5)
- Law Enforcement (0.5)
- Law Enforcement CE (0.5)
- Emergency Careers FS (0.5)
- Fire Science Cadet 1 (2.0)
- Fire Science Cadet 2 (2.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Behavioral Health, Intro (0.5)
Course #: 67929300
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Introduction to the behavioral health industry by exploring self-concept, effective communication, relationships, addictive behaviors, mental health disorders and behavioral health laws and rights and the careers associated with each of these areas in the behavioral health field.
Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
Course #: 65261800
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: Beginner Level Course. This course aims to attract a broader range of students into the field of computer science—leading to future opportunities for high-paying jobs in fields that have a growing need for qualified applicants. This is an introductory course for students without much computer science experience. For example: students who learned coding in middle school or have gained coding skills in other ways, should NOT take this course and choose a more-advanced course to meet this graduation requirement.
ECS has three strands: Interacting with Computers; Problem-solving and Introduction to Programming (using Scratch). Students become members of a “computing community of practice” as they are introduced to the behavior, language and skills or computer scientists. Lab fee required.
Forensic Science II (1.0)
Health Science, Intro (0.5)
Course #: 67929000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This semester course is designed to prepare students with an interest in a health care career for further study. Students will explore career possibilities in health care and the education that they will need to compete in the job market. This course covers basic anatomy and physiology, medical terms, medical ethics, and diseases and disorders, and preparing students for more advanced information in Medical Anatomy & Physiology. Note: Some schools offer the Introduction to Health Science integrated with general Health, in an entire year course. Lab fee required.
Law Enforcement (0.5)
Course #: 63232000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE / Soc.Stu. Elective
Description: This course prepares individuals to perform the duties of police and public security officers, including patrol and investigative activities, traffic control, crowd control, public relations, witness interviewing, evidence collection and management, court procedures, and the law in general. Basic crime prevention methods, weapon and equipment operation, equipment maintenance, and other routine law enforcement responsibilities are also included.
Law Enforcement CE (0.5)
Course #: 63624000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE, 3 hours college credit
Description: This concurrent course offers both high school and college credit. Students will learn to identify the police role in society, the causes of crime, the laws of arrest and search and seizure, correct procedures for handling evidence, and career opportunities in the law enforcement fields. This course follows the SLCC curriculum. A one-time $40 application fee and $5 per credit hour tuition paid directly to the college, will apply for students taking this course for SLCC for college credit.
Emergency Careers FS (0.5)
Course #: 67942150
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This is course prepare individuals with knowledge of skills used within firefighting. This course is a general introduction to career possibilities within emergency services. It includes instruction in how to get started in an emergency career, creating and delivering public presentations, healthy living, communication skills, CPR certification, and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) completion.
Fire Science Cadet 1 (2.0)
Course #: 67945030
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Double-Block Year Long
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 2.0 CTE
Description: A program with a sequence of courses that prepares individuals to perform the duties of a firefighter. Includes instruction in firefighting, equipment operation, maintenance, and the principles of fire science.
Fire Science Cadet 2 (2.0)
Course #: 6794504
Gradel Level: 12
Length: Double-Block Year Long
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 2.0 CTE
Description: A program with a sequence of courses that prepares individuals to perform the duties of a firefighter. Includes instruction in firefighting, equipment operation, maintenance, and the principles of fire science.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Programming & Software Development
- Mobile Development Fundamentals (0.5)
- Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
- Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
- Computer Programming 2 (0.5)
- Gaming Development Fundamentals 1 (0.5)
- AP Computer Science A (1.0)
- Advanced Computer Programming (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Mobile Development Fundamentals (0.5)
Course #: 65265000
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE
Description: This course will provide core mobile development skills. Students will gain a solid foundation knowledge of topics relating to mobile device development, including HTML5, and other mobile operating system tools. It is recommended that students be familiar with the concepts of and have hands-on experience with the mobile development technologies.
Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
Course #: 65261800
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE/Digital Studies
Description: Beginner Level Course. This course aims to attract a broader range of students into the field of computer science—leading to future opportunities for high-paying jobs in fields that have a growing need for qualified applicants. This is an introductory course for students without much computer science experience. For example: students who learned coding in middle school or have gained coding skills in other ways, should NOT take this course and choose a more-advanced course to meet this graduation requirement.
ECS has three strands: Interacting with Computers; Problem-solving and Introduction to Programming (using Scratch). Students become members of a “computing community of practice” as they are introduced to the behavior, language and skills or computer scientists. Lab fee required.
Computer Programming 1 (0.5)
Course #: 65274010
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE/Digital Studies/Elective
Description: Introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn to design, code, and test their own programs while applying mathematical concepts. Teachers introduce concepts and problem-solving skills to beginning students through a programming language such as Delphi, C++, C#, Java, Python, or VB.
Computer Programming 2 (0.5)
Course #: 65278020
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE/Elective
Description: This is an advanced course in computer programming/software engineering and applications. It reviews and builds on the concepts introduced in CP IA/B. It introduces students to dynamic allocation of data, advanced utilization of courses, GUI techniques, and applications of recursion through mathematical concepts.
Gaming Development Fundamentals 1 (0.5)
AP Computer Science A (1.0)
Course #: 65571400
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE/Elective
Description: This is a rigorous programming course in computer science with the major theme being problem solving. The goals of this course are comparable to those in an introductory course offered in many college and university computer science departments. Course is intended to serve as an introductory course for computer science majors and as a course for people who will major in other disciplines.
Advanced Computer Programming (1.0)
Course #: 65279010
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: CTC (Off-Campus)
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE/Elective
Description: An advanced class in computer programming and application development. Reviews and builds on the concepts introduced in CP-I. Introduces students to dynamic allocation of data, to creation and utilization of classes, to advanced GUI techniques, and to advanced applications of recursion.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Welding & Machining
- Welding-Entry Level (1.0)
- Welding - Intermediate Level (1.0)
- Welding Advanced Level (1.0)
- CTE Internship (0.5)
Welding-Entry Level (1.0)
Course #: 67249200
Gradel Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Students will learn basic welding skills in gas metal arc welding, shielded metal arc welding and oxy-fuel cutting that will prepare them to apply technical knowledge and skill in the workplace. Students will learn and practice knowledge, attitude, skills and habits required for performing job tasks safely and efficiently. This is a Tech Center course taught at Highland.
Welding - Intermediate Level (1.0)
Course #: 67249300
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Students will learn intermediate welding skills in flux cored arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, air carbon arc welding and plasma cutting that will prepare them to apply technical ... knowledge and skill in the workplace and in project construction. Students will learn and practice knowledge, attitude, skills and habits required for performing tasks, including the selection and use of appropriate techniques and equipment with minimum supervision. This is a Tech Center course taught at Highland.
Welding Advanced Level (1.0)
Course #: 67249400
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: Students will learn more advanced skills in, GMAW, SMAW, FCAW, GTAW, CAC-A, oxy-fuel cutting and robotic plasma cutting processes that will prepare them to apply technical knowledge and skill in the workplace and in project construction. Students will learn and practice knowledge, attitude, skills and habits required to perform tasks, including the selection and use of appropriate techniques and equipment with minimum supervision. This is a Tech Center course taught at Highland.
CTE Internship (0.5)
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Work Based Learning Education
CTE Internship (0.5)
CTE Internship
Course #: 67320000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS and Internship site
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE (cannot take more than one semester of this course)
Description: This course is an excellent alternative to Home Release and is available for eligible juniors and seniors. During the semester you will spend approximately 60 hours off-campus at an internship site, and approximately 24 hours in-course working on the job application process, goal setting, teamwork, positive habits, etc. In the internship you will work with professionals in an industry to get a good idea of the career and the requirements to enter that career. You should have a specific interest in a career path and be involved in courses that support the internship. This course gives you a competitive edge when you graduate from high school. The experience gained in this course can be added to job, college, and scholarship applications. The course will also give you a better idea of what careers you want to pursue after graduation. This course helps you complete a CTE Pathway. Talk to your counselor about enrolling in a CTE Internship course today.
Work Release (0.5)
Work Release
Course #: 69247000
Gradel Level: 11, 12
Length: Semester
Location: HHS & Student’s job site
Graduation Credit: up to 2 Elective credits
Description: This program offers on the job experience related to a career goal and course of study. It is designed to bridge the gap between school and work. Students must have a career goal identified and a CTE Skill course related to their WBL experience in order to participate. Must fill out application papers with CTE Coordinator.
- Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
- Business Office Specialist (0.5)
- Web Development 1A (0.5)
- Computer Programming (0.5)
- Financial Literacy (0.5)
Exploring Computer Science (0.5)
Exploring Computer Science
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 65261800
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies, CTE or Elective
Description: This is an introductory course for students without much computer experience. For example: students who have already gained coding skills should NOT take this course and choose a more advanced course to meet the graduation requirement. ECS features Interacting with Computers; Problem-solving, Introduction to Programming (using Scratch), and Introduction to Web Development.
Business Office Specialist (0.5)
Business Office Specialist
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 65209210
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Digital Studies, CTE or Elective
Description: This course provides opportunities for basic, intermediate and advanced levels of achievement. This course centers on building skills in Microsoft Offices programs, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access. These skills contribute to success at school and are essential in the world-of-work. Students can formally validate their abilities by taking Microsoft Office Specialist and Microsoft Office Expert industry certification exams in course at no cost. Long after the semester is over, these skills will reward students as they create quality projects for varied purposes and are better able to adapt to changing trends in technology. Lab fee required.
Web Development 1A (0.5)
Web Development 1A
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 65229100
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.50 Digital Studies, or CTE or Elective
Description: This course focuses on up-to-date concepts and skills that are used in the development of today’s websites. Students will learn fundamentals of how the Internet works and basic building blocks for the World Wide Web, including HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as they create web pages. Lab fee required.
Computer Programming (0.5)
Computer Programming
Location: Off-Campus at CTC
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Numbers:
Computer Programming 1 #65274010
Computer Programming 2 #65278020
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.50 Digital Studies, or CTE or Elective
Description: Introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students will learn to design, code, and test their own programs while applying mathematical concepts. Teachers introduce concepts and problem solving skills to beginning students through a programming language such as Delphi, C++, C#, Java, Python, or VB.
This is an intermediate course in computer programming/software engineering and applications. It reviews and builds on the concepts introduced in Computer Programming IA. Introduces students to more complex data structures and their uses, including sequential files, arrays, and courses. Students will learn to create more powerful programs. The skills test covers skills learned in Computer Programming IA & IB (Java)
Financial Literacy (0.5)
Financial Literacy
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 65612000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.50 Financial Lit
Description: The course provides students with understanding of basic financial concept skills to use to conduct their personal finances. Students develop individual plans – budgeting, short-term and long-term financial planning, and career preparation.
- ELD 1 - 4
- Language Arts 9 ESL I
- Language Arts 9 ESL II
- Language Arts 10 ESL I
- Language Arts 10 ESL II
- Language Arts 11 ESL I
- Language Arts 11 ESL II
- Language Arts 12 ESL I
- Language Arts 12 ESL II
- One College Prep
- Secondary Math I EL (Level 1 & 2 ELD)
- Secondary Math II EL
- Biology EL
- Earth & Space Science EL
- World Geography I EL
ELD 1 - 4
Required courses for all ELL Students levels 1-4
ELD 1 YEAR #60859100
ELD 2 YEAR #60859200
ELD 3 YEAR #60859300
ELD 4 YEAR #60859400
Graduation Credit: 1.0 ELL students
Description: This course is designed to help students who are beginning second language learners work to improve their communication interaction which includes: reading skills, the writing process, literature and non-fiction reading and analysis, listening, speaking, and presentation techniques. Our students work to learn and use reading and writing comprehension strategies, particularly as they apply to content areas.
Language Arts 9 ESL I
Language Arts 9 ESL I
Course #: 60804100
Length: Full Year
Description: This course is designed to help students who are beginning second language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. We will concentrate on the four language learning areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Language Arts 9 ESL II
Language Arts 10 ESL I
Language Arts 10 ESL I
Course #: 60815100
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts 10 for ELL students
Description: This course is designed to help students who are beginning second language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. We will concentrate on the four language learning areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Language Arts 10 ESL II
Language Arts 10 ESL II
Course #: 60816100
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts 10 for ELL students
Description: This course is designed to help students who are second year language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. We will concentrate on the four language learning areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Language Arts 11 ESL I
Language Arts 11 ESL I
Course #: 60828100
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts 11 for ELL students
Description: This course is designed to help students who are beginning second language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. We will concentrate on the four language learning areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Language Arts 11 ESL II
Language Arts 11 ESL II
Course #: 60829100
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts 11 for ELL students
Description: This course is designed to help students who are second year language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. We will concentrate on the four language learning areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Language Arts 12 ESL I
Language Arts 12 ESL I
Course #: 60840100
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts 12 for ELL students
Description: This course is designed to help students who are beginning second language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. We will concentrate on the four language learning areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Language Arts 12 ESL II
Language Arts 12 ESL II
Course #: 60841100
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts 12 for ELL students
Description: This course is designed to help students who are year second language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. We will concentrate on the four language learning areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
One College Prep
One College Prep
Course #: 69510050
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective Credit
Description: One College Prep aims to help students with refugee backgrounds who could be ready for college upon high school graduation, but who likely will not without additional support. They are students who score in the high three through five range on the WIDA. All students in One College Prep need to have refugee or asylee status, or parents who have said status, within the United States to be eligible.
Secondary Math I EL (Level 1 & 2 ELD)
Secondary Math I EL (Level 1 & 2 ELD)
Course #: 61211610
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Math for ELL students
Description: This course is intended for students with interrupted formal education and WIDA levels I and II. This course will focus on the major work of Secondary Math I: linear and exponential relationships, linear regression, equations and inequalities, and geometric congruence.
Secondary Math II EL
Biology EL
Earth & Space Science EL
Earth & Space Science EL
Course Number: 62100620
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: This course is designed to help students who are beginning second language learners, become independent and successful in learning English, thinking critically, and gaining skills which will ensure their academic success. The theme for Earth Science is systems as an organizing concept to understand life on Earth, geological change, and the interaction of atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Earth’s place in the universe, internal structure, atmospheric processes, and reactions.
World Geography I EL
Performing Arts Courses
- AP Music Theory (1.0)
- Beginning Piano (1.0)
- Chorus (Choir) (1.0)
- Concert Band (1.0)
- Concert Choir (1.0)
- Dance I-A and I-B (0.5 + 0.5)
- Dance II-A and II-B (0.5 + 0.5)
- Dance III-A and III-B, Elevate Dance Co. (0.5 + 0.5)
- Dance Company (1.0)
- Dance VB aka Hip Hop (0.5)
- Guitar, Beginner (0.5)
- Jazz Band (1.0)
- IB Film Studies SL 2 (1.0)
- Intermediate Piano (1.0)
- Madrigals (1.0)
- Percussion Ensemble (1.0)
- Play & Musical Production (1.0)
- Social Dancing (1.0)
- String Orchestra (1.0)
- Symphony Orchestra (1.0)
- Theatre Foundations I/II (0.5 + 0.5)
- Theatre Foundations III/IV (0.5 + 0.5)
- Theatre Foundations V & VI (0.5 + 0.5)
- Wind Ensemble: Symphonic Band (1.0)
AP Music Theory (1.0)
AP Music Theory
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 66546000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This course provides the serious music student with advanced study in the elements of music and music theory of the Common Practice Period, including scales, chords, part-writing, structural analysis, aural recognition, and composition. Students are expected to be enrolled in a Highland High School music ensemble course. Students enrolled in AP Music Theory are expected to take the Advanced Placement examination in the spring.
Beginning Piano (1.0)
Beginning Piano
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66237000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: In the first-year students are enrolled in piano courses, they learn basic rhythms, correct hand position and technique, articulations, dynamics, note names on the piano and how to read notes on the grand staff. The curriculum also includes information about the lives of many of the great composers along with teaching the students how to present themselves in a public performance. Four recitals are held each year to demonstrate the student’s progress and give them the opportunity to practice their public presentation skills.
Chorus (Choir) (1.0)
Chorus (Choir)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66240000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: All voices welcome, no auditions. This course is a beginning level who are interested in singing but have very little experience. It is a non-auditioned choir. If students have had choral experience in the past and are interested in joining an auditioned choir, schedule an audition in B114.
Concert Band (1.0)
Concert Band
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66233000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: The Concert Band open to: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Bari Sax, Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Euphonium/Baritone, & Tuba. Students should be able to read music and need to have prior band experience. Over the course of the year, we learn and perform a large variety of music. This course also has travel and competition opportunities throughout the year.
Concert Choir (1.0)
Dance I-A and I-B (0.5 + 0.5)
I-A: 1st Semester Course Number: 66105000
I-B: 2nd Semester Course Number: 66106000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
Description: This beginning level dance course develops dance knowledge and skills in technique, improvisation, choreography, artistic expression, performance, history, and culture. Connections to other curricular areas are made.
Dance II-A and II-B (0.5 + 0.5)
DANCE II-A (1st Semester)
Course Number: 66107000
DANCE II-B (2nd Semester)
Course Number: 66108000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
Description: This intermediate level dance course builds dance knowledge and skills in technique, improvisation, choreography, artistic expression, performance, history, and culture. Connections to other curricular areas are made.
Dance III-A and III-B, Elevate Dance Co. (0.5 + 0.5)
DANCE III-A (1st Semester)
Course Number: 66109000
DANCE III-A: This advanced-level dance course strengthens dance knowledge and skills in technique, improvisation, choreography, artistic expression, performance, history, and culture. Connections to other curricular areas are made.
DANCE III-B "Elevate" (2nd Semester)
Course Number: 66110000
DANCE III-B “Elevate”: This advanced level dance course extends the core standards and objectives presented in Dance IIIA.
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
Dance Company (1.0)
Dance Co.
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66285000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
Description: Dance Company provides the opportunity for members to enhance their skills and showcase their talents in dance technique, composition, improvisation, and performance. Students will be studying a variety of dance styles. Dance Company performs at various events during the year including their annual spring concert.
Dance VB aka Hip Hop (0.5)
Dance VB (Hip Hop)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66110500
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Elective
Description: Students will explore the main elements of Hip Hop culture, focusing on various Hip Hop styles. Students will gain an appreciation for dance as a means of personal expression, particularly in the historical context of Hip Hop.
Guitar, Beginner (0.5)
Guitar (Beginner Level)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66902000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Description: This guitar course is a beginning to early intermediate level that focuses on giving students a strong foundation of guitar knowledge as well as a variety of specific skills. Students will study a combination of modern and courseical guitar technique and have the chance to choose project pieces to study and perform. I recommend this course to students who have never taken a music course but have interest in music and students who may know music but have not really learned the guitar.
Jazz Band (1.0)
Jazz Band
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66234000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: Jazz band is a performing ensemble that focuses on the genre of jazz. This course is a 0 hour course that meets before school. Members must be enrolled in another music ensemble and must pass an audition or be recommended. This group must keep a specific instrumentation to participate in the state jazz festival.
IB Film Studies SL 2 (1.0)
Intermediate Piano (1.0)
Intermediate Piano
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66238000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: For students who have had at least 1 year of piano study or took Beginning Piano course. Advanced rhythm study, technique, articulations, dynamics. Students will need to dedicate 2 hours of practice per week.
Madrigals (1.0)
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 66249000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: Advanced choir with limited enrollment for students with advanced sight-singing skills & ability to harmonize independently. Willing to dedicate several hours outside of school for performances, especially during December. All voices by Audition.
Percussion Ensemble (1.0)
Percussion Ensemble
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66261000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: Percussion Ensemble is available to students who have prior percussion experience or have taken a previous band course. Students in the course will perform with the bands, learn intermediate and advanced technique, be part of the drum line and have other performance opportunities.
Play & Musical Production (1.0)
Play & Musical Production
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66276000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This course will perform the fall musical. In addition, you will be cast and perform in a Broadway Musical Review, a competition play, and a spring play. Outside course time is required in order to be in this course.
Social Dancing (1.0)
Social Dancing
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66286000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts, PE or Elective credit
Description: Social Dance is designed to increase knowledge and ability in cultural dance and partner dancing. Various types of ballroom, Latin, line dances, and folk dances will be taught. Some examples are Swing, ChaCha, Salsa, Waltz, and Tango. Students will also explore the history, music, and cultural significance of social dances; and learn about dance contributing to a healthy lifestyle. This course is geared toward the beginning social dancer. No previous dance experience or performing required.
String Orchestra (1.0)
String Orchestra (Level 1)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66265000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This course provides opportunities to foster and refine musical expression through instrumental performance, analytical/evaluative skills, and aesthetic judgment. Study includes the care and cultivation of a beautiful tone, the ability to read music with fluency, team spirit and responsible rehearsal habits.
Symphony Orchestra (1.0)
Symphony Orchestra
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66266000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: Symphony orchestra is an advanced level auditioned ensemble for students who have had at least two years of music instruction and have passed an entry audition. Students will learn and perform a variety of repertoire and participate in a number of festivals and competitions. This course also has great opportunities for leadership as well as travel opportunities.
Theatre Foundations I/II (0.5 + 0.5)
Theatre Foundations
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Course Number: 66111000
Description: This course introduces students to the history of theater and the role of the actor in interpreting dramatic literature, performance, theory, and techniques. Students have experiences with pantomime, voice, interpretations, movement, acting, improvisation, scene memorization, costumes, and make-up.
Course Number: 66112000
Description: Second Semester of the basic theatre concepts of Theatre Foundations I by comparing and integrating theatre elements with other art forms. Students have the opportunity to analyze and critique performances.
Theatre Foundations III/IV (0.5 + 0.5)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
1st Semester Course Number: 66113000
2nd Semester Course Number: 66114000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
THEATRE FOUNDATIONS III (1st Semester): This course adds to Theatre Foundations I and II concepts of character motivation through movement and voice, and projection of mood and feelings. Students study design concepts of visualization and technology, script research, variety in art forms, and assess performance effectiveness. This course tackles Shakespeare. You will be cast in a short play, prepare and perform scenes and monologues for the high school Shakespeare Competition in Cedar City. In addition, you will learn about directing, film acting, playwriting, and stage makeup. This course will also go into more detail on advanced acting and technique.
THEATRE FOUNDATIONS IV (2nd Semester): Second Semester This course fosters and refines all the basic concepts in theatre taught in Theatre Foundations I-III.
Theatre Foundations V & VI (0.5 + 0.5)
Grade Level: 11, 12
1st Semester Course Number: 66114500
2nd Semester Course Number: 66114600
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
THEATRE FOUNDATIONS V (1st Semester): This course adds to Theatre Foundations III and IV concepts of character motivation through movement and voice, and projection of mood and feelings. Students will gain a more advanced understanding of theatre as an artform with advanced work in directing and design. In addition, you will learn about film acting, playwriting, and stage makeup.
THEATRE FOUNDATIONS VI (2nd Semester): Second Semester This course fosters and refines all the basic concepts in theatre taught in Theatre Foundations I-IV.
Wind Ensemble: Symphonic Band (1.0)
Symphonic Band (choose Wind Ensemble when selecting course)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66235000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: Wind Ensemble / Symphonic Band is an advanced level auditioned ensemble for students who have had at least three years of music instruction and have passed an entry audition. Over the course of the year we learn and perform a large variety of music from pep-band to pop to band standards. If you are looking for an advanced course with performance, travel, and competition opportunities, this is a great course for you.
Visual Arts Courses
- Drawing Fine Arts (0.5)
- Art History (0.5)
- Advanced Art (0.5)
- Studio Art Advanced (0.5)
- Ceramics I (0.5)
- Studio Art Ceramics I (0.5)
- Ceramics II (0.5)
- Studio Art Ceramics II (0.5)
- Ceramics III (0.5)
- Studio Art Ceramics III (0.5)
- Sculpture (0.5)
- Art Foundations II (0.5)
- AP Art History (1.0)
- Painting (0.5)
- Studio Art Painting (0.5)
- Printmaking (0.5)
- Studio Art Printmaking (0.5)
- Commercial Art 1 (1.0)
- Commercial Art 2 (1.0)
- Commercial Art 3 (1.0)
- AP Studio Art 2D Design (1.0)
- AP Studio Art 3D Design (1.0)
- AP Studio Art Drawing (1.0)
- Commercial Photography 1 (0.5)
- Commercial Photography 2 (0.5)
Drawing Fine Arts (0.5)
Drawing Fine Art
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66099000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Elective
Description: Drawing is an entry level course that is centered on the development of observational skills needed in rendering the illusion of three-dimensional form on a flat surface. Students will explore a variety of art mediums while learning how to draw from life, pictures, and their imaginations. The course will emphasize studio production to expose students to drawing, color theory, compositional devices, art history, and the Elements and Principles of Design.
Art History (0.5)
Art History
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66050000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Elective
Description: Introduces visual art from an art historical perspective. Study major principles, elements, media and techniques. There will be required reading, writing and non-judgmental art projects.
Advanced Art (0.5)
Advanced Art
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66202000
Length of Class: Semester 1
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Elective
Taken with Studio Art Advanced Art (Semester 2, #66202300, 0.5 Credit)
This is an advanced level art course. Students will explore aspects of art elements and principles and further their knowledge of materials through the development of a portfolio of their own artwork using a wide variety of materials and mediums. Students will learn to create art with meaning. This course is recommended as a preparatory course for the AP Art and Design Portfolio course.
Studio Art Advanced (0.5)
Studio Art Advanced Art
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66202300
Length of Class: Semester 2
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Elective
Description: Taken with Advanced Art (Semester 1, #66202000, 0.5 FA Elective Credit)
This is an advanced level art course. Students will explore aspects of art elements and principles and further their knowledge of materials through the development of a portfolio of their own artwork using a wide variety of materials and mediums. Students will learn to create art with meaning. This course is recommended as a preparatory course for the AP Art and Design Portfolio course.
Ceramics I (0.5)
Ceramics I (taken with Studio Art Ceramics I)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
1st Semester: Ceramics I, #66041000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Ceramics I, #66043100, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. These are introductory courses focusing on design in high-fire stoneware clay. Basic instruction is given in beginning hand- building methods (pinch, coil, slab, additive/subtractive sculpture) and beginning work on the potter’s wheel. Instruction also includes clay processes, glazing and various decoration procedures, firing processes and applicable history.
Studio Art Ceramics I (0.5)
Studio Art Ceramics I (taken with Ceramics I)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
1st Semester: Ceramics I, #66041000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Ceramics I, #66043100, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. These are introductory courses focusing on design in high-fire stoneware clay. Basic instruction is given in beginning hand- building methods (pinch, coil, slab, additive/subtractive sculpture) and beginning work on the potter’s wheel. Instruction also includes clay processes, glazing and various decoration procedures, firing processes and applicable history.
Ceramics II (0.5)
Ceramics II (Taken with Studio Art Ceramics II)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
1st Semester: Ceramics II, #66042000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Ceramics II, #66043200, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. This is an advanced Art course in high-fire stoneware clay work. Instruction will include hand building, sculpture and work on the potter’s wheel. A sketchbook (idea book, work book) is required as well as some textbook work. Participation in State, District and local student art shows is encouraged and in some cases required.
Studio Art Ceramics II (0.5)
Studio Art Ceramics II (Taken with Ceramics II)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
1st Semester: Ceramics II, #66042000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Ceramics II, #66043200, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. This is an advanced Art course in high-fire stoneware clay work. Instruction will include hand building, sculpture and work on the potter’s wheel. A sketchbook (idea book, workbook) is required as well as some textbook work. Participation in State, District and local student art shows is encouraged and, in some cases, required.
Ceramics III (0.5)
Ceramics III (Taken with Studio Art Ceramics III)
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
1st Semester: Ceramics III, #66043000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Arts Ceramics III, #66043300, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. This course is a continuation of work begun in Ceramics II in that students continue to work from the studio syllabus. Emphasis is placed on producing professional quality clay work including hand building, sculpture, and potter’s wheel work. Students produce a body of three-dimensional artwork that either builds or greatly contributes to a viable portfolio for AP credit, art school entrance, or scholarship consideration. Advanced and specialized techniques are included. Participation in State, District, and Local student art shows and displays is required. This course fulfills requirements for the Honors Diploma.
Studio Art Ceramics III (0.5)
Studio Art Ceramics III (Taken with Ceramics III)
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
1st Semester: Ceramics III, #66043000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Arts Ceramics III, #66043300, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. This course is a continuation of work begun in Ceramics II in that students continue to work from the studio syllabus. Emphasis is placed on producing professional quality clay work including hand building, sculpture, and potter’s wheel work. Students produce a body of three-dimensional artwork that either builds or greatly contributes to a viable portfolio for AP credit, art school entrance, or scholarship consideration. Advanced and specialized techniques are included. Participation in State, District, and Local student art shows and displays is required. This course fulfills requirements for the Honors Diploma.
Sculpture (0.5)
Course#: 66104000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Credit
Length of Class: Semester
Description: Sculpture is an introductory course where students explore processes and techniques for creating three-dimensional works of art. Processes include fabrication, carving, mold-making/casting, and modeling in air-dry clays. Students will explore modes of creation ranging from relief to sculpture in the round, found object assemblage, installation art, kinetic sculpture and earthworks. The course will emphasize studio production using 3D materials while also incorporating drawing, color theory, compositional devices, art history, and the Elements and Principles of Design.
Art Foundations II (0.5)
Art Foundations II
Course#: 66207000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts Credit
Length of Class: Semester
Description: This course is an introductory course to expose students to processes and techniques used in two-dimensional art throughout history. The course will explore how artists use the Elements and Principles of Design. Students will refine technique, composition, and concept through assignments and critiques as they experiment with different mediums and explore different genres of art. The course will expose students to different ways of thinking and expressing themselves as they experiment with drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and a variety of mixed media techniques.
AP Art History (1.0)
AP Art History
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66060000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This course will study humankind’s creative efforts throughout history. Students will gain an understanding and knowledge of architecture, sculpture, painting, and other art forms within diverse historical and cultural contexts. Students will learn to look at works of art critically and to analyze what they see. This course requires a high degree of commitment to academic work in a program designed to meet college standards. No drawing or painting required)
Painting (0.5)
Painting (Taken with Studio Art Painting)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
Length of Class: Semester
1st Semester: Painting, #66208000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Painting, #66208300, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. Painting Course is for 10-12 grade students who have completed the Art Foundations II course in High School. In this course, students will use various painting media, techniques, and styles. We will paint with acrylics, oil, and watercolor, to create art in a wide range of subject matter. Students will learn techniques from different time periods and incorporate what they learn into their work. Art critique will be a part of each painting assignment.
Studio Art Painting (0.5)
Studio Art Painting
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
Length of Class: Semester
1st Semester: Painting, #66208000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Painting, #66208300, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. Painting Course is for 10-12 grade students who have completed the Art Foundations II course in High School. In this course, students will use various painting media, techniques, and styles. We will paint with acrylics, oil, and watercolor, to create art in a wide range of subject matter. Students will learn techniques from different time periods and incorporate what they learn into their work. Art critique will be a part of each painting assignment.
Printmaking (0.5)
Printmaking (Taken with Studio Art Printmaking)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
Length of Class: Semester
1st Semester: Printmaking #66103000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Printmaking #66103100, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. It is open to students in 10th - 12th grade that have taken Art Foundations or Drawing in High School. Printmaking will introduce students to processes and techniques used to create prints throughout history. Students will refine technique, composition, and concept through assignments and critiques as they experiment with different printing techniques including relief, intaglio, and stencils. Students will create monoprints, collagraphs, etchings, linocuts, and silkscreens. The class will expose students to different ways of thinking and expressing themselves. This course is designed to develop higher level thinking, art criticism, art history, and aesthetics.
Studio Art Printmaking (0.5)
Studio Art Printmaking (Taken with Printmaking)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Graduation Credit: 1.0 (0.5 Fine Arts Credit for each semester course)
Length of Class: Semester
1st Semester: Printmaking #66103000, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
2nd Semester: Studio Art Printmaking #66103100, 0.5 Fine Art Credit
Description: This course consists of two semesters. It is open to students in 10th - 12th grade that have taken Art Foundations or Drawing in High School. Printmaking will introduce students to processes and techniques used to create prints throughout history. Students will refine technique, composition, and concept through assignments and critiques as they experiment with different printing techniques including relief, intaglio, and stencils. Students will create monoprints, collagraphs, etchings, linocuts, and silkscreens. The class will expose students to different ways of thinking and expressing themselves. This course is designed to develop higher level thinking, art criticism, art history, and aesthetics.
Commercial Art 1 (1.0)
Commercial Art 1
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 67421200
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This class will focus on the creation of unique artworks emphasizing principles and elements of design, made with traditional and digital art techniques. Discover a variety of careers for professional artists. Explore skills related to image editing, layout design, and digital drawing with Adobe programs, as well as designs for posters, albums, logos, and 3D products. Develop a personal portfolio in the class for immediate employment or higher education. A lab fee is required.
Commercial Art 2 (1.0)
Commercial Art 2
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 67423120
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: Students create original art using professional techniques. Explore the diverse and exciting careers of illustration, advertising and graphic design. Gain knowledge in concept design, layout copyrighting, drawing, painting airbrush, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign illustration, cartooning, and graphic design. Assemble a portfolio for immediate employment or higher education opportunities.
Commercial Art 3 (1.0)
Commercial Art 3
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 67420410
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: Create art using artistic techniques reflecting professional standards. Communicate your personal vision and develop exciting projects that prepare you for the world of Industrial Design. Explore the various careers in coordination with working professionals. Complete a series of designs and products that demonstrate your mastery of techniques, strategies and concepts. Assemble a portfolio for immediate employment or higher education opportunities.
AP Studio Art 2D Design (1.0)
AP Studio Art 2D Design
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 66209100
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This course is based on a model developed by the College Board. Students will develop a portfolio of three sections, Breadth, and Concentration, and Quality. Portfolios will be graded by the College Board and successful portfolios will be awarded college credit. Portfolios can be used for admission to schools, scholarships, or for job interviews. Students will learn the professional standards of portfolio development and advanced design strategies. Media includes digital photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, and other diverse forms.
AP Studio Art 3D Design (1.0)
AP Studio Art 3D Design
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 66209110
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This course is based on a model developed by the College Board. Students will develop a portfolio of three sections, Breadth, and Concentration, and Quality. Portfolios will be graded by the College Board and successful portfolios will be awarded college credit. Portfolios can be used for admission to schools, scholar- ships, or for job interviews. Students will learn the professional standards of portfolio development and advanced design strategies.
AP Studio Art Drawing (1.0)
AP Studio Art Drawing
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 66209120
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: AP Drawing is for 11-12 grade students who will submit a portfolio to the AP board for review to receive college credit.
Students will work in three areas; breadth, concentration and quality. At the end of the year you will have 29 art works to submit. You will need to create one art work each week to meet your goal. Students, you will take photos of your work. Up-load them to the AP site, write about your concentration, and select and mat five works that will be mailed to the board.
Commercial Photography 1 (0.5)
Commercial Photo 1
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66223800
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Description: This course is part of a sequence of courses that prepares individuals to use artistic techniques combined with a commercial perspective to effectively communicate ideas and information to business and consumer audiences via the use of digital photography instruction includes training in specialized camera and equipment operation, software usage, maintenance, applications to commercial and industrial needs, and photography business operations.
Commercial Photography 2 (0.5)
Commercial Photography 2
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66224630
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts
Description: Level 2 Digital Photo. Digital photography is designed to develop in students a lifelong love of photography through learning the technical expertise to enable them to produce art-quality work. Students will learn about cameras, printers, and Adobe Photoshop editing and presentation software. They will be given opportunities to present their photographs in gallery settings and on the web. Career opportunities in photography will also be explored.
- Athletics (0.5)
- Body Conditioning (0.5)
- Exercise Science & Sports Medicine (1.0)
- Fitness for Life (0.5)
- Health (0.5)
- Lifetime Activities (0.5)
- Medical Anatomy & Physiology (1.0)
- PE Skills (0.5)
- Social Dancing (1.0)
- Dance Company (1.0)
- Dance I-A and I-B (0.5 + 0.5)
- Dance II-A and II-B (0.5 + 0.5)
- Dance III-A and III-B (0.5 + 0.5)
- Weight Training (0.5)
- Yoga (0.5)
- Physical Education 7 (Pep Club) (0.5)
- Cheerleading II (1.0)
Athletics (0.5)
Body Conditioning (0.5)
Body Conditioning
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: Semester 1 #68223000, Semester 2 #68225000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Lifetime Activities
Description: This course will include basic weight training, fitness, flexibility techniques and individualized lifetime weightlifting instruction.
Exercise Science & Sports Medicine (1.0)
Exercise Science & Sports Medicine
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 68801000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE
Description: This full year course is designed to teach students components of sports medicine including the exploration of therapeutic careers. Students will be able to understand and apply medical terminology and abbreviations, identify the anatomy and physiology of the human body, become familiar with basic C.P.R., first aid, injury prevention, the healing process, rehabilitation techniques, therapeutic modalities, nutrition, and sports psychology.
Fitness for Life (0.5)
Fitness for Life
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Numbers: Boys #68200010, Girls #68200020, COED #68200000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 PE Graduation Requirement
Description: Students will identify and understand all of the components of fitness, such as cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, endurance, weight control, nutrition, eating disorders and stress management. This course helps each student adopt a personal lifestyle that will achieve physical fitness.
Health (0.5)
Grade Level: 10th/11th/12th
Course Number: 68901000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Health Graduation Requirement
Description: This one semester course assists students in the continual development of skills needed to improve the quality of life. The course emphasizes decision making and consequences relating to their personal health. It offers students an opportunity to evaluate and improve their lifestyle . Health is a required course for graduation.
Lifetime Activities (0.5)
Lifetime Activities
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 68204000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Lifetime Activities
Description: This course helps students develop intermediate to advanced skills and techniques in a minimum of three team sports. Emphasis is placed on skill development, knowledge of rules, team strategy, team work, sportsmanship and leadership.
Medical Anatomy & Physiology (1.0)
Medical Anatomy & Physiology (MAP)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 67939000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE, Health, or 3rd year science credit
Description: This course is designed for students pursuing medical and health related careers or for those who wish to gain a better understanding of the human body that can be applied to everyday life. The course focuses on human biology and incorporates dissections, labs, and other hands-on activities. Areas of study include basic body chemistry, tissues, anatomy and physiology of all body systems, diseases and medical terminology. Instruction includes intermediate anatomy and physiology, diseases and disorders, and medical ethics. The course is designed to prepare students for a variety of health care programs and future employment in a health care field. Lab Fee Required.
PE Skills (0.5)
PE Skills
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Numbers: Boys #68109010, Girls #68109020, COED #68109000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 0.5 PE Graduation Requirement
Description: This course will develop participation skills and techniques in a variety of individual and team sports and dance activities with emphasis on leadership, courtesy, respect, and fairness. This course helps each student adopt a personal lifestyle that will achieve physical fitness.
Social Dancing (1.0)
Social Dancing
Grade Level: 9th/10th/11th/12th
Course Number: 66286000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts, PE or Elective credit
Description: Social Dance is designed to increase knowledge and ability in cultural dance and partner dancing. Various types of ballroom, Latin, line dances, and folk dances will be taught. Some examples are Swing, ChaCha, Salsa, Waltz, and Tango. Students will also explore the history, music, and cultural significance of social dances; and learn about dance contributing to a healthy lifestyle. This course is geared toward the beginning social dancer. No previous dance experience or performing required.
Dance Company (1.0)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 66285000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
Description: Dance Company provides the opportunity for members to enhance their skills and showcase their talents in dance technique, composition, improvisation, and performance. Students will be studying a variety of dance styles. Dance Company performs at various events during the year including their annual spring concert.
Dance I-A and I-B (0.5 + 0.5)
I-A is first semester
I-B is second semester
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
1st Semester Course Number: 66105000
2nd Semester Course Number: 66106000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
Description: This beginning level dance course develops dance knowledge and skills in technique, improvisation, choreography, artistic expression, performance, history, and culture. Connections to other curricular areas are made.
Dance II-A and II-B (0.5 + 0.5)
DANCE II-A (1st Semester)
DANCE II-B (2nd Semester)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
1st Semester Course Number: 66107000
2nd Semester Course Number: 66108000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
Description: This intermediate level dance course builds dance knowledge and skills in technique, improvisation, choreography, artistic expression, performance, history, and culture. Connections to other curricular areas are made.
Dance III-A and III-B (0.5 + 0.5)
DANCE III-A (1st Semester)
DANCE III-B "Elevate" (2nd Semester)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
1st Semester Course Number: 66109000
2nd Semester Course Number: 66110000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Fine Arts or Lifetime Activities
DANCE III-A: This advanced-level dance course strengthens dance knowledge and skills in technique, improvisation, choreography, artistic expression, performance, history, and culture. Connections to other curricular areas are made.
DANCE III-B “Elevate”: This advanced level dance course extends the core standards and objectives presented in Dance IIIA.
Weight Training (0.5)
Weight Training
Grade Level: 11, 12
- Football: SEM 1 and-or SEM2 #68221000
- Girls: SEM 1 and-or SEM2 #68222200
- Boys: SEM 1 and-or SEM2 #68222100
Length of Each Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Lifetime Activities
Description: In this course student’s work on a progressive weight-training program designed to build muscular strength and endurance.
Yoga (0.5)
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Numbers:
YOGA I: 68215000
YOGA II: 68215020
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 PE
Description: The Yoga course is designed to promote life-long physical activity and to develop an understanding of the benefits of being healthy. In this course, we will utilize yoga practices to become more physically, mentally, energetically, and emotionally fit. This course will present techniques in yoga. Yoga means union, and refers to the union of the body, mind, and breath. It is a system of self-care that was developed in India and is practiced all over the world. Yoga develops core strength and helps to develop lung capacity through careful breathing. The emphasis in this course will be Asana practice which refers to poses and postures designed to develop flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance. Emphasis will be placed on correct alignment and safe practice. Yoga students will learn concepts of physical fitness, identify stress reduction techniques, gain an increased ability to concentrate, and develop a Personal Fitness Plan to support a lifetime of fitness.
Physical Education 7 (Pep Club) (0.5)
Pep Club (Physical Education 7)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 38236300
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Lifetime Activities
Description: Pep Club is a first semester class during regular school hours. Pep Club members will receive a grade for this class. Pep Club is a service organization. It requires a strong commitment. Members are responsible for promoting school spirit and serve the school in other capacities outside of athletic events. This course is designed for the student who is willing to devote much time and energy to representing Highland High in a positive manner. Pep Club typically participates in events such as, but not limited to Football and Basketball game attendance, halftime routine performances, assemblies, pep rallies, Ram Camp, Homecoming Week, and Freshman Open House. Members must maintain a 2.5 GPA and good attendance.
Cheerleading II (1.0)
- IB Mathematics SL
- IB English Lit HL
- IB Biology HL
- IB Chemistry SL
- IB History of the Americas HL
- IB Theory of Knowledge SL
- IB French SL
- IB Spanish SL
- IB German SL
- IB Music Theory SL
- IB Visual Art SL / HL
- IB Film Making SL
- IB Physics HL
IB Mathematics SL
IB Mathematics SL 1
Course #: 61570110
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Math
IB Mathematics SL 2
Course #: 61570210
Grade Level: 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Math
Description: This course is available at SL only. It caters to students with varied backgrounds and abilities. More specifically, it is designed to build confidence and encourage an appreciation for mathematics. The IB mathematics standard level (SL) course focuses on introducing important mathematical concepts through the development of mathematical techniques. The intention is to introduce students to these concepts in a comprehensible and coherent way. Students should whenever possible, apply the mathematical knowledge that have acquired to solve realistic problems in an appropriate context. A graphing calculator (TI-83, 83+, 84, 84+ or TInspire CX preferred) is required for this course.
IB English Lit HL
IB English Lit HL 1
Course #: 60593000
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
IB English Lit HL 2
Course #: 60593010
Grade Level: 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: IB English is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a rigorous and rewarding study of world and contemporary literature, oral communication, and analytical writing. Students will study several authors in depth and will read literary works from a variety of cultures, countries, genres, and time periods. The emphasis is on world authors read in a historical context, and the writing component.
IB Biology HL
IB Biology HL 1
Course #: 62514400
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
IB Biology HL 2
Course #: 62514410
Grade Level: 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: This is a higher-level course which provides in-depth coverage of the biological concepts taught in first year university biology courses, preparing students for the IB exam.
IB Chemistry SL
IB Chemistry SL 2
Course #: 62522020
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: This course provides an in-depth, mathematics-intensive coverage of the chemistry concepts that are taught in first year university chemistry courses. It prepares students for the national IB chemistry exam. The University of Utah laboratory course is strongly recommended.
IB History of the Americas HL
IB History of the Americas HL 1
Course #: 63063800
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 US History/ US Gov.
IB History of the Americas HL 2
Course #: 63063810
Grade Level: 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 US History/ US Gov.
Description: This course will seek to develop inquiring, knowledgeable an caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through inter-cultural understanding. This course focuses on History of the Americas (11th Grade) and 20th Century World
History Topics (12th grade).
IB Theory of Knowledge SL
IB Theory of Knowledge SL 1
Course #: 63808000
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 0.5 IB Diploma
IB Theory of Knowledge SL 2
Course #: 63808010
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 0.5 IB Diploma
Description: Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is central to the IB curriculum. Concepts developed in TOK are meant to aide students in their various courses, as well as in a global society. Questions are the essence of TOK, both ageless questions on which thinkers have been reflecting for centuries, as well as questions derived from modern challenges and ideals. Students will begin the course the second semester (beginning of third quarter) junior year and finish at the end of first semester (end of second quarter) of senior year.
IB French SL
IB French SL 1
Course #: 64217200
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
IB French SL 2
Course #: 64217220
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: This is an advanced and highly demanding course. Emphasis is placed on the students’ degree of proficiency in comprehension, fluency, grammatical structure, syntactical and production pat- terns, as well as oral and written discourse. To best facilitate the study of language and culture, communication is primarily in French.
IB Spanish SL
IB Spanish SL 1
Course #: 64513200
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
IB Spanish SL 2
Course #: 64513220
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: This is an advanced and highly demanding course. Emphasis is placed on the students’ degree of proficiency in comprehension, fluency, grammatical structure, syntactical and production pat- terns, as well as oral and written discourse. To best facilitate the study of language and culture, communication is primarily in Spanish.
IB German SL
IB German SL 1
Course #: 64227200
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
IB German SL 2
Course #: 64227220
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: This is an advanced and highly demanding course. Emphasis is placed on the students’ degree of proficiency in comprehension, fluency, grammatical structure, syntactical and production pat- terns, as well as oral and written discourse. To best facilitate the study of language and culture, communication is primarily in German.
IB Music Theory SL
IB Music Theory SL 2
Course #: 66547020
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This IB Music course is for advanced instrumental and vocal music students. This course will prepare students to take the International Baccalaureate exam. The course will focus on the following areas: 1. Study of two prescribed works; 2. Investigating musical links; 3. Performance; and 4. Theory and composition.
IB Visual Art SL / HL
IB Visual Art SL 2
Course #: 66532020
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
IB Visual Art HL 1
Course #: 66532200
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
IB Visual Art HL 2
Course #: 66532400
Grade Level: 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Fine Arts
Description: This is a professional and college level prep course. Students will work on exploration, skill development, and a high-level completion of the Research Workbook. The emphasis is on the individual workbook and final exhibition. This course will take a lot of time, passion and energy. Lab fees required.
IB Film Making SL
IB Film Making SL 2
Course #: 66102820
Grade Level: 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Through the study and analysis of film texts and exercises in film-making, the course explores film history, theory and socio-economic background. The course develops students’ critical abilities, enabling them to appreciate the multiplicity of cultural and historical perspectives in film. To achieve an international understanding within the world of film, students are taught to consider film texts, theories and ideas from the points of view of different individuals, nations and cultures.
IB Physics HL
IB Physics HL 1
Course #: 62532400
Grade Level: 11
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
IB Physics HL 2
Course #: 62532420
Grade Level: 12
Length: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: In this course students will explore the fundamental principles that govern the physical world. This is a relatively fast-paced course that will both prepare students for university-level physics courses.
- Language Arts 9 (1.0)
- Language Arts 9 Honors (1.0)
- Language Arts 10 (1.0)
- Language Arts 10 Honors (1.0)
- Language Arts 11 (1.0)
- Language Arts 11 Honors (1.0)
- Language Arts 12 (1.0)
- Language Arts 12 Honors 'College Prep' (1.0)
- Literature & Film (0.5)
- Creative Writing I (1.0)
- Creative Writing Advanced (1.0)
- Journalism (1.0)
- Literature Humanities (1.0)
- AP English Language (1.0)
- AP Literature & Composition (1.0)
- English Conc Enroll (ENG1010) (1.0)
- ENG2010: Intermediate Writing CE
Language Arts 9 (1.0)
Language Arts 9
Course Number: 60801000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: A grade level appropriate exploration of reading, writing, and inquiry. The course continues intensive practice and study of informational and literary reading and writing. Students read extensively from a variety of sources, and draft, revise, and edit their own writing.
Language Arts 9 Honors (1.0)
Language Arts 9 Honors
Course Number: 60803000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: An advanced course in reading, writing, and inquiry. This writing-intensive honors course will focus on developing academic writing and analytical skills while introducing students to a variety of works ranging from novels to short stories to plays. This course is designed to ready students interested in AP or IB courses during their final two years of high school.
Language Arts 10 (1.0)
Language Arts 10
Course Number: 60813000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: A grade level appropriate exploration of reading, writing, and inquiry. The tenth-grade language arts course continues the intensive practice and study of informational and literary writing. Students refine skills in preparation for reading and writing assessments.
Language Arts 10 Honors (1.0)
Language Arts 10 Honors
Course Number: 60814000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: An advanced course in reading, writing, and inquiry. This is an advanced tenth-grade course which offers students the opportunity to read and write functional, informational, and literary texts in preparation for a variety of reading and writing assessments. This course has greater depth and breadth than is found in the Language Arts 10 course and requires more work and more time from the student.
Language Arts 11 (1.0)
Language Arts 11
Course Number: 60826000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: A grade level appropriate exploration of reading, writing, and inquiry. The eleventh-grade language arts course continues to emphasize the reading and writing process. In addition, students prepare, plan, deliver, and evaluate formal presentations.
Language Arts 11 Honors (1.0)
Language Arts 11 Honors
Course Number: 60827000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: An advanced course in reading, writing, and inquiry. This course stretches students with higher order thinking skills through reading, analyzing, researching, and writing about novels, plays, poetry, foundational U.S. documents, and current issues. This advanced course transitions students from high school writers to college writers in preparation for AP Language or Concurrent English 1010.
Language Arts 12 (1.0)
Language Arts 12
Course Number: 60839000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: A grade level appropriate exploration of reading, writing, and inquiry. The twelfth-grade language arts course continues to develop reading and writing skills as students are introduced to a greater variety of practical and traditional literature. Students also develop investigative and research skills in preparation for post-secondary education or employment.
Language Arts 12 Honors 'College Prep' (1.0)
College Prep Language Arts 12 Honors
Course Number: 60402000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: A course in reading, writing, and inquiry for college bound students. Students will learn to investigate academic texts, construct supported interpretations and arguments for an authentic audience, and acquire academic habits of thought. Reading instruction will focus on developing critical reading skills for comprehension, interpretation, and analysis. In writing, students will develop skills through composing with specific purpose, situation, genre, and audience in mind. Students will write a variety of effective formal and informal texts. To learn to integrate reading and writing, students will use an inquiry approach to analyze, synthesize, and make value judgments regarding text and writing. This course is designed to prepare students for college-level reading and writing intensive courses.
Literature & Film (0.5)
Literature & Film
Course Number: 64511410
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Elective
Description: Compares and contrasts literature with the film that results from its use. This course is designed around aspects of film history, appreciation, and analysis as movies relate to literature and the written word. Strong focus on the analysis of various director decisions and cinematography. Nearly every film chosen is based on a written work of is an important study in the film cannon. Writing and reading are a crucial aspect to this course. As this course is designed for high school students, no rated-R movies will be shown in course, but rated-R films may be discussed within the scope of the course or chosen by students and parents for their projects.
Creative Writing I (1.0)
Creative Writing I
Course Number: 60901000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Teaches the skills ands strategies necessary to write creatively. This course will include instruction in the writing of poetry, short stories, plays, essays, journals, narratives, etc. All members of the course will have an opportunity to help the literary staff select the best pieces for the magazine. Students need only to enjoy writing to take this course.
Creative Writing Advanced (1.0)
Creative Writing Advanced
Course Number: 60902000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective or Language Arts 12
Description: Teaches the skills ands strategies necessary to write creatively. All members of the course will be on the staff of the literary magazine, In Black and White, and will assist in its formulation and publication. The course will include poetry, short story; play writing, narratives, etc. There is a special emphasis on creating a standard of judgment for recognizing good literature. This course can supplant the 12th grade English credit.
Journalism (1.0)
Course Number: 60910000
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: A class that produces a newspaper! Students enrolled in this course produce the Highland High School newspaper, The Rambler. The course features an examination and practice of the fundamentals of news gathering, interviewing and news writing, features, sports and editorial writing, advertising copy and layout, editing, proofing, printing and typography. Students are encouraged to enroll for more than one year. Students who are on the staff for three years or who have served as editors are eligible for a Highland letter (H).
Literature Humanities (1.0)
Literature Humanities
Course Number: 60839060
Grade Level: 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts or Elective credit
Description: What role does chaos play in the creative process? In a culture where we are bombarded with ideas and images of “what we should be,” how do you form an identity that remains true and authentic to yourself? Does a culture, community, institution, or individual have the right to censor artists? In Literature Humanities, we will explore how literature and various media influences humans, cultures, and ideas as well as you as an individual.
AP English Language (1.0)
AP English Language
Course Number: 60520000
Grade level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: AP English Language is an advanced placement course concentrating on writing and the structure of language. This course focusses mostly on composition, meaning writing. The objective of this class is to make students better writers, preparing them for advanced degrees and professions in fields of law, politics, engineering, science, business, medicine, and more! Students in this class learn to rhetorically analyze short, non-fiction works such as essays, articles, speeches, sermons, letters, journal entries, abstracts, case studies, reports, even charts, graphs, visual art, and political cartoons. Students also learn to use textual evidence to support arguments. Students also review punctuation and grammar as well as learn elements of writing style.
AP Literature & Composition (1.0)
AP Literature & Composition
Course Number: 60530000
Grade level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts
Description: An advanced placement course concentrating on literature interpretation. An AP English Literature and Composition course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.
English Conc Enroll (ENG1010) (1.0)
English Concurrent Enrollment
English 1010: Intro to Writing, Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Course
Course Number: 60610000
Grade level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts with 3 College Credits
Description: Concurrent English 1010 provides extended engagement with rhetorical concepts and extended practice with close and critical reading. A main aim of 1010 is to develop in students the analytical and rhetorical habits of mind that are necessary for successful reading and writing in academic, civic, and personal contexts they encounter in and beyond college. The course begins building and/or solidifying students' confidence and capability as readers and writers in academic contexts, through careful assignment design and sequencing, while emphasizing the importance of finding writing and revision processes that work for students. *Students who have taken AP English Language and passed the test with a “3” or higher can move onto either Concurrent English 2010 or AP English Literature. FEES REQUIRED. Since this is a college course, fee waivers do not apply. Online applications are to be completed by March and ACT score copies sent to college directly by the end of April.
ENG2010: Intermediate Writing CE
English 2010: Intermediate Writing, Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Course
Course Number: 60611000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Language Arts with 3 College Credits
Description: This course builds on ENGL 1010 and the previous writing you’ve done. We’ll keep working with writing as a process, critical reading, academic writing practices, and revision, and add an emphasis on genre, medium, and mode as tools for writing; writing using research and sources, writing in multiple mediums and modes; and writing for public or civic contexts, with an emphasis on local issues.
- Secondary Math I (1.0)
- Secondary Math I Extended (1.0)
- Secondary Math II (1.0)
- Secondary Math II Extended (1.0)
- Secondary Math III (1.0)
- Secondary Math III Extended/IB (1.0)
- Mathematical Decision Making for Life (1.0)
- College Prep Math (1.0)
- Quantitative Reasoning CE - MATH 1030 (1.0)
- College Algebra CE - MATH 1050 (1.0)
- AP Calculus AB (1.0)
- AP Calculus BC & Intro Calc (2.0)
- AP Statistics (1.0)
- Data Science (1.0)
Secondary Math I (1.0)
Secondary Math I
Course Number: 61212000
Grade Level: 9
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: The purpose of Secondary Math I is to formalize and extend what math students learned in the middle grades. Students in this course will deepen and extend their understanding of linear relationships, explore exponential phenomena, and apply linear regression techniques to data. Students will create equations and inequalities and use them to solve problems. They will build on their prior knowledge of rigid motions to extend understanding of congruence in coordinate geometry and prove geometric theorems algebraically.
Secondary Math I Extended (1.0)
Secondary Math I Extended
Course Number: 61212300
Grade Level: 9
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: The concepts are the same as Secondary Math I with the following additions: Secondary Math I Extended students will also represent and model with vector quantities, use matrices in application and perform operations on vectors and matrices.
Secondary Math II (1.0)
Secondary Math II
Course Number: 61212400
Grade Level: 10, 11
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: Students will interpret and analyze quadratic functions and their forms and will extend knowledge of functions to include absolute value, step, and piece-wise defined functions. Students will study similar figures and right triangle trigonometry, including proofs for geometric theorems and theorems involving circles. Students will explore conditional probability and counting methods in making and evaluating decisions.
Secondary Math II Extended (1.0)
Secondary Math II Extended
Course Number: 61212510
Grade Level: 9, 10
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: The concepts are the same as Secondary Math II, with the following additions: Secondary Math II Extended students will also represent complex numbers and their operations on the complex plane, solve systems of equations utilizing matrices, analyze series, and express conic sections algebraically.
Secondary Math III (1.0)
Secondary Math III
Course Number: 61212600
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: The purpose of Secondary Math III is for students to make connections and apply concepts from a variety of function families: polynomial, rational, trigonometric, logarithmic, and inverse functions. Students will expand their study of right triangle trigonometry to include general triangles. Students will apply methods from probability and statistics to draw inferences and conclusions from data.
Secondary Math III Extended/IB (1.0)
Secondary Math III Extended
Secondary Math III Extended IB Only: #61212790
Course Number: 61212780
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12th
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: The concepts are the same as Secondary Math III, with the following additions: Secondary Math III Extended students will deepen their understanding and computation of complex numbers. Areas of study will be extended in the areas of trigonometric functions, inverses, and probability. Students completing Secondary Math IE, IIE, and IIIE are prepared for Calculus.
Mathematical Decision Making for Life (1.0)
Mathematical Decision Making for Life
Course Number: 61003040
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: Mathematical Decision Making is a four-quarter course for seniors who want a 4th year of math. The course develops mathematical decision-making skills in finance, modeling, probability and statistics, and making choices. Students will make sense of authentic problems and persevere in solving them.
College Prep Math (1.0)
College Prep Math
Course Number: 61216200
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: For 12th graders as their 4th year of math who have successfully completed Secondary Math 3. College Prep Math formalizes and reinforces concepts from the Secondary Mathematics series to provide students with the foundational skills and understanding to take College Algebra (Math 1050) after completing this course. Students will solve linear and quadratic equations and linear inequalities. Students will use polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic equations and functions to solve mathematical problems, and will explore conic sections and represent parabolic data.
Recommended for students that have completed SM 1, 2, and 3. Students that have taken the Extended/honors courses, it is recommended that they enroll in AP Statistics or AP Calculus.
Quantitative Reasoning CE - MATH 1030 (1.0)
MATH1030: Quantitative Reasoning, Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Course
Course Number: 61618000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics w/ 3 college credits
Description: This one-semester course may be an appropriate culminating math course for students majoring in English, Arts, or Humanities. (Please consult with college of choice to determine their specific requirements.) This course covers a broad scope of mathematical topics as they apply to real-world problems. Topics include reasoning and number sense, finance matters, probability and statistics, and modeling. FEE REQUIRED. Recommended for students whose intended major does not require Calculus.
College Algebra CE - MATH 1050 (1.0)
MATH 1050: College Algebra Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Course
Course Number: 61616200
Grade Level: 12
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: This one-semester course is designed for students interested in Business, Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Technology, and Education. This course is an in-depth exploration of algebra topics designed to ultimately prepare students for Calculus or further education courses. Topics covered include the following: 1) functions, including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic; 2) systems of equations; matrices and determinants; partial fraction decomposition; 3) conics; and 4) sequences and series. There is an additional $18.75 electronic textbook/ learning materials fee associate with this course. Fee required.
AP Calculus AB (1.0)
AP Calculus AB
Course Number: 61511000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: AP Calculus AB is roughly equivalent to a first semester college Calculus 1 course devoted to topics in differential and integral calculus. The AP course covers topics in these areas, including concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections amongst these representations. Students learn how to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions. A graphing calculator (TI-83, 83+, 84, or 84+, or TI-Nspire CX preferred) is required for this course.
AP Calculus BC & Intro Calc (2.0)
AP Calculus BC #61512000+ Must be paired with Intro Calc #61242010
Grade Level: 11, 12
Graduation Credit: 2.0 Mathematics
Description: AP Calculus BC is roughly equivalent to college courses Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 and extends the content learned in AB to different types of equations and introduces the topic of sequences and series. The AP course covers topics in differential and integral calculus, including concepts and skills of limits, derivatives, definite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and series. The course teaches students to approach calculus concepts and problems when they are represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to make connections amongst these representations. Students learn how to use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support conclusions. A graphing calculator (TI-83, 83+, 84, or 84+, or TI-Nspire CX preferred) is required for this course. Students must also enroll in Intro Calculus since this course is taught daily.
AP Statistics (1.0)
AP Statistics
Course Number: 61501000
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Mathematics
Description: An advanced study of statistics, AP Statistics is equivalent to non-calculus-based college course in statistics. The course introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. There are four themes in the AP Statistics course: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference. Students use technology, investigations, problem solving, and writing as they build conceptual understanding. A graphing calculator (TI-83, 83+, 84, or 84+, or TI-Nspire CX preferred) is required for this course.
Data Science (1.0)
Data Science
Course Number: 61298100
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Math Elective
Description: This course will develop skills in Data Science and statistics by emphasizing a modeling approach. Students will reason and make sense of data using the Statistical Problem-Solving Process consisting of: 1. Formulating Statistical Investigative Questions, 2. Collect/Consider Data, 3. Analyze Data, and 4. Interpreting the Results. Students will learn to use data and modeling to formulate and answer questions as well as to critically evaluate information using mathematics as the reasoning tool.
- Astronomy (1.0)
- Agricultural Biotechnology (1.0)
- Biotechnology (1.0)
- Biology (1.0)
- Biology Honors (1.0)
- AP Biology (1.0)
- Chemistry (1.0)
- Chemistry Honors (1.0)
- AP Chemistry (1.0)
- Earth & Space Science (1.0)
- AP Environmental Science (1.0)
- MAP: Medical Anatomy & Physiology (1.0)
- Elem. Physics Concurrent Enrollment - PHYS 1010 (1.0)
- Physics (1.0)
- AP Physics 1 (1.0)
- AP Physics 2 (1.0)
- AP Physics C (1.0)
- Utah Wildlife (1.0)
- Zoology (1.0)
- IB Science Courses
Astronomy (1.0)
Course Number: 62271000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Astronomy is the study of the position, motion, composition, and history of objects in the universe and the physical laws that govern them. Topics include: scientific theories of the evolution of the universe; characteristics and the life cycle of stars; exploration of the universe; role of the Sun in our Solar System; planets; and the orientation and position of the Earth. The second half of this course will explore the concepts and science of Meteorology.
Agricultural Biotechnology (1.0)
Course #: 67927200
Gradel Level: 10, 11, 12
Length: Full Year
Location: HHS
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE or Science Elective
Description: This amazing hands-on class guides students in developing knowledge and skills that will provide a foundation in plant science, horticulture, natural resources, agricultural systems and technology. Topics covered will be basic animal, plant, and soil science; natural resources; food science technology; agribusiness; and agricultural career awareness. During this course students will focus on growing plants hydroponically and in soil. Students will learn greenhouse management and responsibilities as they work in the Highland greenhouse. AG-TECH!
Biotechnology (1.0)
Course Number: 67928200
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: An exploratory course designed to create an awareness of career possibilities in the field of biotechnology. Students are introduced to diagnostic and therapeutic laboratory procedures that support bioscience research and practice. Lab fee required.
Biology (1.0)
Course Number: 62211000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Biology includes the topics of ecosystems, cells, heredity, diversity, organ systems and evolution. Students will explain biological ideas or concepts in their own word, relate them to other topics, and apply them in new contexts. Lab Fee Required.
Biology Honors (1.0)
Biology Honors
Course Number: 62411000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Honors Biology extends the coverage of topics that include ecosystems, cells, heredity, diversity, organ systems and evolution. Students will examine biological ideas or concepts in greater detail. This course provides preparation for enrollment in AP Biology. Lab Fee Required.
AP Biology (1.0)
AP Biology
Course Number: 62511000
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: The AP Biology course is equivalent to a two-semester college introductory biology course and is endorsed by higher education and enables students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. The four major themes or Big Ideas in AP Biology are 1. Evolution 2. Cellular Processes: Energy and Communication 3. Genetics and Information Transfer 4. Interactions. Throughout the AP Biology course students will develop advanced inquiry and reasoning skills, such as designing a plan for investigations, collecting data, analyzing data, applying mathematical routines, and connecting concepts in and across domains. Students completing AP Biology will be ready for the study of advanced topics in subsequent college courses and receive college credit based on their AP Exam score. Students will be required to attend early morning labs once a month.
Chemistry (1.0)
Course Number: 62221000
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Chemistry includes the topics of atoms, energy, chemical bonds, chemical reactions and solutions. Students will develop an understanding of chemical concepts and determine the relevancy of chemistry in their lives. Lab Fee Required.
Chemistry Honors (1.0)
Chemistry Honors
Course Number: 62421000
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Honors Chemistry provides greater detail, mathematics based, coverage of content, which will include atoms, energy, chemical bonds, chemical reactions, and solutions. This course provides preparation for enrollment in AP Chemistry. Lab Fee Required.
AP Chemistry (1.0)
AP Chemistry
Course Number: 62521000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: This AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. For most students, the course enables them to undertake, as a freshman, second year work in the chemistry sequence at their institution or to select courses in other fields where general chemistry is a prerequisite. This course is structured around the six big ideas articulated in the AP Chemistry curriculum framework provided by the College Board. A special emphasis will be placed on the seven science practices, which capture important aspects of the work that scientists engage in, with learning objectives that combine content with inquiry and reasoning skills. AP Chemistry is open to all students that have completed a year of chemistry who wish to take part in a rigorous and academically challenging course.
Earth & Space Science (1.0)
Earth & Space Science
Course Number: 62100300
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: The theme for Earth Science is systems as an organizing concept to understand life on Earth, geological change, and the interaction of atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Earth’s place in the universe, internal structure, atmospheric processes, and reactions.
AP Environmental Science (1.0)
AP Environmental Science
Course Number: 62533000
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study. Yet there are several major unifying constructs, or themes, that cut across the many topics included in the study of environmental science.
MAP: Medical Anatomy & Physiology (1.0)
Medical Anatomy & Physiology (MAP)
Grade Level: 10th/11th/12th
Course Number: 67939000, Length of Class: Full Year, Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: A full year competency-based course that explores medical and health science related occupations as well as the study of human structure and function. Course includes field trips, hands-on activities, and guest demonstrations. Areas of study include medical terminology, human biology, disease processes, and career exploration. Recommended for anyone going into medical or associated fields. This is a required course for all capstone health science courses (Nurse Assist, EMT and Medical Asst) and East Health Professions Academy. Lab Fee Required.
Elem. Physics Concurrent Enrollment - PHYS 1010 (1.0)
Elementary Physics, CE
Course Number: 62630000
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: PHYS 1010 taught in partnership with Salt Lake Community College. Conceptual survey course in introductory physics. Principles of mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism, and modern physics.
Physics (1.0)
Course Number: 62231000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: The three topics covered in physics are matter, motion and energy. Everything is part of a system, whether it is book on a table, a cog in a machine, a satellite in orbit, or a complex electrical circuit. Physics topics will be developed around systems and the nature of science. Lab Fee Required.
AP Physics 1 (1.0)
AP Physics 1
Course Number: 62531400
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of Physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore these topics: kinematics, dynamics, circular motion and gravitation, energy, momentum, simple harmonic motion, torque and rotational motion, electric charge and electric force, DC circuits, and mechanical waves and sound. Students should take this course if they are interested in understanding the world around them while not being afraid of struggling with difficult concepts and applications. Taking this course will ensure that students will have a solid foundation in the basic principles of physical science to gain deeper understanding of the phenomena observed in whichever field they choose to pursue. A very detailed course description can be found on the College Board web page.
AP Physics 2 (1.0)
AP Physics 2
Course Number: 62531500
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of Physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore these topics: fluids, thermodynamics, electrical (force, field, and potential), electric circuits, magnetism and electromagnetic induction, geometric and physical optics, and quantum, atomic & nuclear physics. The fields presented in this course are more abstract in nature and less widely understood than in Physics I. Taking this course will ensure that students will be able to be interesting conversationalists in the vast majority of dinner parties as well as having a solid foundation in advanced principles of physical science to gain deeper understanding of the phenomena observed in whichever field they choose to pursue.
AP Physics C (1.0)
AP Physics C
Course Number: 62531610
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Mechanics course is equivalent to a one-semester, calculus-based, college-level physics course. It is especially appropriate for students planning to specialize or major in physical science or engineering. The course explores topics such as kinetics, Newton’s laws (of motion, work, energy and power), systems of particles and linear momentum, circular motion and rotation, and oscillations & gravitation. Introductory differential an integral calculus is used throughout the course. A very detailed course description can be found on
Utah Wildlife (1.0)
Utah Wildlife
Course Number: 62283000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Wildlife Biology is for students interested in understanding animals and ecosystems of Utah. The curriculum has a strong foundation in the biological, physical, and social sciences with the focus on solving current and future issues related to conservation and sustainability of wild animals and their habitats. This course will focus on the local flora and fauna found in Utah. Students will also have the opportunity to extend their love and passion for the outdoors by using hands on methods. You will also build your own custom bamboo fly rod and learn to tie your own flies.
Zoology (1.0)
Course Number: 62251000
Grade Level: 11, 12
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Science
Description: Surveys the animal kingdom. Detailed study of representative organisms is made to illustrate structural advancements as they appear in the animal kingdom. Issues relating to wildlife management and natural history of the vertebrates will be stressed. Lab work and dissection is involved. Lab Fee Required.
IB Science Courses
IB Coordinator: Kyle Bracken
- IB Biology HL 1 (11) YEAR #62514400
- IB Biology HL 2 (12) YEAR #62514410
- IB Chemistry SL 2 (11-12) YEAR #62522020
- IB Physics HL 1 (11) YEAR #62532400
- IB Physics HL 2 (12) YEAR #62532420
The graduation requirement for Social Studies credits is as follows:
3 Total Credits, must complete:
- World Geography 0.5 in 9th grade
- World History 0.5 in 10th - 12th grade
- U.S. History 1.0 in 10th - 12th grade
- Social Studies Elective 0.5 in 10th - 12th grade
- U.S. Government and Citizenship 0.5 in 12th Grade
- World Geography (0.5)
- AP Human Geography (1.0)
- World History I (0.5)
- World History II (0.5)
- AP World History (1.0)
- US History (1.0)
- US Government & Citizenship (0.5)
- AP United States History (1.0)
- AP European History (1.0)
- Sociology (0.5)
- Psychology (0.5)
- Psychology 1010 CE (1.0)
- AP Psychology (1.0)
- Sports Psychology (0.5)
- Latin American Studies (0.5)
- Law Enforcement (0.5)
- IB Social Studies Courses
World Geography (0.5)
World Geography I
Course Number: 63902100
Grade Level: 9, 10
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies
Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the physical and cultural patterns of the world. Geographic study includes map ping skills, the interaction between people and their environment, and the political and economic systems that they develop.
AP Human Geography (1.0)
AP Human Geography
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63592300
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Social Studies
Description: AP Geography introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface. Students learn to employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human socio-economic organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and applications.
World History I (0.5)
World History I
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63902500
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies / Elective
Description: This course studies the increasing interrelationship of the world’s peoples. It includes examples of scientific, artistic, religious, and technological aspects of human behavior.
World History II (0.5)
World History II
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63902600
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies / Elective
Description: This course studies the increasing interrelationship of the world’s peoples. It includes examples of scientific, artistic, religious, and technological aspects of human behavior.
AP World History (1.0)
AP World History
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63536000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 World Civ, Social Studies, & Elective
Description: This course will cover major themes and developments in the histories of major world civilizations from c. 8000 BCE to the present. It will be similar to other AP History courses in terms of developing reading and writing skills in order to prepare students for the demands of college. However, instead of national histories, the curriculum will emphasize change over time, comparisons between cultures, and the impact of technology and major themes.
US History (1.0)
US History
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 63221000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 U.S. History
Description: This is a general survey course, with major emphasis on the post- Civil War period. Part I will study topics to include the Civil War, reconstruction of the South, industrialization of the US and the labor movement, imperialism, the progressive era, and World War I. Part II will include the roaring twenties, the depression, World War II, The Cold War, civil rights, globalization, and terrorism.
US Government & Citizenship (0.5)
US Government & Citizenship
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63205000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies & Graduation Requirement
Description: The goal of this course is to foster informed, responsible participation in public life. Knowing how to be a good citizen is essential to the preservation and improvement of the United States democracy. The student will understand ideas, protections, privileges, structures, and economic systems that affect the life of a citizen in the United States political system.
AP United States History (1.0)
AP United States History
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 63522000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 US History
Description: The Advanced Placement Program in American History is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in American History. Students will be expected to assess historical materials and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. Students are expected to develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions, make judgments, and use the essay format.
AP European History (1.0)
AP European History
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63531000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Social Studies
Description: The study of European history since 1450 introduces students to cultural, economic, political, and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world in which they live. Without this knowledge, we would lack the context for understanding the development of contemporary institutions, the role of continuity and change in present-day society and politics, and the evolution of current forms of artistic expression and intellectual discourse. The goals of the AP program in European History are to develop (a) an understanding of some of the principal themes in modern European History, (b) an ability to analyze historical evidence and historical interpretation, and (c) an ability to express historical understanding in writing.
Sociology (0.5)
Sociology I
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63244000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Elective
Description: Sociology is the study of society or human groups. In order to understand society, we must be able to shift from one perspective to another and to see the world through the eyes of others. The study of sociology helps us make connections between human behavior and society. It helps us understand the processes that have shaped the features we observe around us today, as well as the ways those features may be different tomorrow. This course will explore the way social interaction influences personality development, adolescence and deviant behavior in society.
Psychology (0.5)
Psychology I
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63241000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Elective
Description: Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Throughout this course, students will be introduced to the multiple sub-fields of psychology. Psychology examines the processes of learning, human development, social behaviors, abnormal behaviors, therapy and treatment styles, etc. Additionally, students will explore various aspects of human behavior using theories of personality, aspects of thought processes, states of consciousness, causes of motivation and emotion, and the basic tenements of mental illness. This course is designed to introduce students to psychology as a social science as we review experiments, apply theories to the world around us, and learn the history of this unique subject.
Psychology 1010 CE (1.0)
Psychology 1010, Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Course
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 63248100
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Social Studies Elective
Description: This course is a college level psychology course associated with Salt Lake Community College that will provide a basic survey of the history, foundations, theories, and principles needed to obtain a scientific understanding of human behavior and the human mind. College credit will be awarded to students who pass the course, meeting the required standard established by Salt Lake Community College.
AP Psychology (1.0)
AP Psychology
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 63535000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Social Studies Elective
Description: Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. Throughout this course, students will be introduced to psychology through our examination of the processes of learning, cognition, development, social behaviors, research methods, abnormal behaviors, and other facets of psychology. Students will be encouraged to think critically, ask questions, and work with one another to master basic psychology. This course is designed to get you excited about and interested in the field of psychology, assist you in the transition from high school level coursework to that of college level work, and help you prepare for the AP Psychology exam.
Sports Psychology (0.5)
Sports Psychology
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63243010
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Elective
Description: Sport Psychology is a vibrant branch of the larger psychological discipline. It is the branch of psychology which deals with the study and application of the psychological principles that enhance athletic performance. The concepts taught in this course will be beneficial in athletic competitions, exercise environments, and other physical performance-based activities. The focus of this course is to teach you how to strengthen your mind and control your emotions so that you can improve your performance in these types of situations. The concepts learned will prepare you for athletic competitions and performance situations.
Latin American Studies (0.5)
Latin American Studies
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63940000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Social Studies Elective
Description: Latin American Studies is a half year social studies elective course in which students learn about history, culture and identity formation through a Latin American Studies context. The study of any history requires students to think about the past and apply it to our world today. To do that, we need to look through a lens that recognizes America’s roots and look beyond public opinion and/or propaganda to see what was truly happening.
Course readings and assignments will be based upon text describing the legal, political, economic, migratory, and social history of Latin Americans. Such insight from a particularly Latino perspective should motivate and help us to more effectively steer our community, country and world towards a more just and equal society.
Law Enforcement (0.5)
Law Enforcement
Location: CTC (Off Campus)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 63232000
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 CTE / Social Studies Elective
Description: This course prepares individuals to perform the duties of police and public security officers, including patrol and investigative activities, traffic control, crowd control, public relations, witness interviewing, evidence collection and management, court procedures, and the law in general. Basic crime prevention methods, weapon and equipment operation, equipment maintenance, and other routine law enforcement responsibilities are also included.
IB Social Studies Courses
IB Coordinator: Kyle Bracken
IB History of the Americas HL - YEAR #63063800
IB Theory of Knowledge - 2ND SEMESTER #63808000
- French I (1.0)
- French II (1.0)
- French III Honors (1.0)
- French IV Honors (1.0)
- AP French Language & Culture (1.0)
French I (1.0)
French I
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64211000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: French I is a basic language course specifically for students who have had little or no previous experience in French. The course focuses on the development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-Low to Novice-Mid and beyond on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
French II (1.0)
French II
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64212000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Focus is on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-Mid to Novice-High and beyond on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
French III Honors (1.0)
French III Honors
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64213400
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. Focus is on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-High to Intermediate-Low and beyond on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid
French IV Honors (1.0)
French IV Honors
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 64213500
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. Focus is on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to see growth in the Intermediate level on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
AP French Language & Culture (1.0)
AP French Language and Culture
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 64215800
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. AP French is a college-level course, taken for college credit. The AP French Language and Culture course emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. The AP French Language and Culture course strives not to overemphasize grammatical accuracy at the expense of communication. To best facilitate the study of language and culture communication is primarily in French.
German I (1.0)
German I
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64221000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Specifically for students who have had little or no previous experience in German. Focus is on the development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading & listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing & speaking). The course is organized thematically, w/ emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-Low to Novice-Mid and beyond on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
German II (1.0)
German II
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64222000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Focus is on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading & listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing & speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-Mid to Novice-High and beyond on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
German III Honors (1.0)
German III Honors
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64223400
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. Focus is on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading & listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing & speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-High to Intermediate-Low and beyond on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
German IV Honors (1.0)
German IV Honors
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 64224300
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. Focus is on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading & listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing & speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to see growth in the Intermediate level on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
AP German (1.0)
AP German
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 64226100
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. College-level course, taken for college credit. Emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. This course strives not to overemphasize grammatical accuracy at the expense of communication. To best facilitate the study of language and culture communication is primarily in German.
- Spanish Native Speak (1.0)
- Spanish I (1.0)
- Spanish II (1.0)
- Spanish III Honors (1.0)
- Spanish IV Honors (1.0)
- AP Spanish Language & Culture (1.0)
- IB World Language Courses
Spanish Native Speak (1.0)
Spanish Native Speak
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64521000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: This is a full-year course designed for students who speak Spanish as their first language and wish to improve their literacy skills in Spanish. The courses will enable the students to develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency in Spanish by providing them the opportunity to listen, speak, read and write in a variety of contexts for a variety of audiences including the family, school, and the immediate community. The course will allow students to explore the cultures of the Hispanics world including their own and it will enable students to gain a better understanding of the nature of their own language as well as other languages to be acquired.
Spanish I (1.0)
Spanish I
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64251000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Heritage or native speakers are encouraged to take Spanish for native speakers or Spanish II, III, or IV, depending on their experience with the language. It is suggested students speak with the teachers to ensure the best placement. Spanish I is a basic language course specifically for students who have had no previous experience in Spanish. The course focuses on the development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-Low to Novice-Mid on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
Spanish II (1.0)
Spanish II
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64252000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Heritage or native speakers are encouraged to take Spanish for native speakers or Spanish II, III, or IV, depending on their experience with the language. It is suggested students speak with the teachers to ensure the best placement. Spanish II focuses on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-Mid to Novice-High on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
Spanish III Honors (1.0)
Spanish III Honors
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64253400
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. Heritage or native speakers are encouraged to take Spanish for native speakers or Spanish II, III, or IV, depending on their experience with the language. It is suggested students speak with the teachers to ensure the best placement. Spanish III Honors focuses on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to move students from the Novice-High to Intermediate-Low on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid, however it is not uncommon for it to take more than one school year to move up to the Intermediate level. Students entering the course above the Novice-High level will work to move up on level on the ACTFL Proficiency Pyramid.
Spanish IV Honors (1.0)
Spanish IV Honors
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 64254300
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. Heritage or native speakers are encouraged to take Spanish for native speakers or Spanish II, III, or IV, depending on their experience with the language. It is suggested students speak with the teachers to ensure the best placement. Spanish IV focuses on the continued development of the three modes of communication: Interpretive (reading and listening), Interpersonal, and Presentational (writing and speaking). The course is organized thematically, with an emphasis on making cultural comparisons. The goal is to see growth in the Intermediate level on the ACTFL (American Council for Teaching Foreign Languages) Proficiency Pyramid.
AP Spanish Language & Culture (1.0)
AP Spanish Language and Culture
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 64511000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Course fulfills Honors Diploma requirements. AP Spanish is a college-level course, taken for college credit. The AP Spanish Language and Culture course emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. The AP Spanish Language and Culture course strives not to overemphasize grammatical accuracy at the expense of communication. To best facilitate the study of language and culture, the course is taught almost exclusively in Spanish.
IB World Language Courses
IB Coordinator: Kyle Bracken
- IB French B SL 1 - YEAR #64217200
- IB French SL 2 - YEAR #64217220
- IB Spanish B SL 1 - YEAR #64513200
- IB Spanish SL 2 - YEAR #64513220
- IB German B SL 1 - YEAR #64227200
- IB German B SL 2 - YEAR #64227220
- Drivers Ed
- Debate (1.0)
- Naval Science (0.5)
- Peer Tutor (1.0)
- Stage Crew (1.0)
- Student Government (1.0)
- Student Senate (1.0)
- Teacher Aide -or- Office Aide (0.5)
- Word Processing (0.5)
- Yearbook (1.0)
Drivers Ed
Drivers Education
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Numbers:
1st Semester: 69238000
2nd Semester: 69240000
Length of Class: Semester
Credit: 0.5 Elective
Description: This course places emphasis on traffic safety education. Learn traffic procedures and laws to become a responsible driver. Must be at least 15 years old when course starts.
Debate (1.0)
Debate I
Grade Level: 9th/10th/11th/12th
Course Number: 60921000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
This course is designed for beginning students interested in competitive speech activities. Competition in debate, oratory, impromptu, extemporaneous speaking and student congress are emphasized.
Debate Advanced
Grade Level: 10th/11th/12th
Course Number: 60922000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective -or- Language Arts 12
This course is for junior varsity and varsity debaters. The course will emphasize the theory of argumentation and persuasion and all students are required to compete on the debate circuit.
Naval Science (0.5)
Naval Science 1 #68281010
Naval Science 2 #68281020
Naval Science 3 #68281030
Naval Science 4 #68284000
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Location: West High School (241 North 300 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84103)
Graduation Credit: ELE (Students who complete a full year of Navel Science/JROTC can choose to receive 0.50 Lifetime Activity credit and 0.50 elective credit, or students can choose to receive 1.0 elective credit.)
Description: The Navy Junior ROTC Program is designed to teach leadership, good citizenship, military orientation, and physical fitness. This is accomplished through a broad-based academic program that includes leadership, oceanography, basic seamanship, naval history, first aid, sea power, maritime geography orienteering, and more. Academics are balanced with a practical leadership development program designed to build self-discipline and self-confidence. A variety of extracurricular activities provide additional opportunities for students to develop their self-confidence and put their leadership skills to practical use. These include marksmanship, orienteering, drill, and physical training. The following ongoing activities are conducted throughout the year and give students the chance to compete against JROTC students from throughout Utah: Academic Team, Drill Team, Air Rifle Marksmanship Team, and Color Guard. Trips to military bases/ships are also conducted with interested students.
Peer Tutor (1.0)
Peer Tutor
Grade Level: 9th/10th/11th/12th
Course Number: 69264000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
This course allows students the opportunity to give back by working with students with disabilities. Peer tutors provide assistance to students, promoting academic and social development. For both the tutor and tutee this course encourages development by increasing teamwork, social engagement, and self-confidence. Simply, friendship is the foundation of this course.
Stage Crew (1.0)
Stage Crew
Grade Level: 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 67941000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to work with staging, lighting and sound in the auditorium. Students must be willing to meet rehearsal schedules before and after school.
Student Government (1.0)
Student Government
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 69291000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Student Body Officers (SBO) are elected to Office in an officially sanctioned school election. This course gives students the opportunity to gain experience in leadership and life skills through planning and facilitating various school and community activities. Course includes service learning, group work and team management. This is a time intensive class, which often requires several commitments before, during, and after school.
Student Senate (1.0)
Student Senate
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 69291110
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 Elective
Description: Student Senate Officers are nominated by Faculty and staff. This course gives students the opportunity to gain experience in leadership and life skills through planning and facilitating various school and community activities. Course includes service learning, group work and team management. This is a time intensive class, which often requires several commitments before, during, and after school.
Teacher Aide -or- Office Aide (0.5)
Teacher/Office Aide - Requires Approval
Grade Level: 10th/11th/12th
By request. Students assist the teaching / office staff by assisting in misc. tasks from answering phones to assisting with classroom activities. A student will be assigned to only one period per day. See counseling office for teachers or offices that are requesting student aides.
Word Processing (0.5)
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Number: 67302100
Length of Class: Semester
Graduation Credit: 0.5 Elective
Description: This course gives students the opportunity to increase their key- boarding skills, helping them to be successful as they advance to their digital studies requirement. As students create a variety of documents, increased efficiency, productivity, quality, and creativity will be evident through their use of basic and advanced software features. Instruction on proper keyboarding technique and recommended styles for business documents will coincide with their software training.
Yearbook (1.0)
Grade Level: 11, 12
Course Number: 69292000
Length of Class: Full Year
Graduation Credit: 1.0 CTE OR ELECTIVE
Description: This full-year course provides skill development in the electronic This full-year course provides skill development in the electronic procedures of producing and editing publications. Students will create, format, illustrate, design, edit/revise, and print publications. Proofreading, document composition, and communication competencies are also included. The end product is the publication of the Highlander, the Highland High School Yearbook. Students will be expected to attend, photograph, and document various activities during the school year.